Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 845: How could it be you, killed (eight more)

A slender figure walked in from outside the factory, Qin Tianyue glanced indifferently at the few people who were staggering, his gaze fell on Gao Yueping and Liao Kui.

These two men are the masterminds, they are sinister and vicious, they are really damned to achieve their goals without compromise.

"Why... how could it be you?"

A few unbelievable murmurs sounded from his mouth, Gao Yueping and Liao Kui stared at Qin Tianyue coldly, where is Zhang Shi? Didn't Zhang Shi go to kill this girl? How could he not show up, but this girl instead? Shouldn't she be dead?

Gao Yueping seemed to think of something, her face pale, "You...Zhang Shi is you..."


An icy voice sounded in the dimness, and her light footsteps stopped in front of Gao Yueping. At this time, Qin Tianyue exuded a cold and icy aura, and she undisguised her pressure and fear. Gao Yueping realized that Qin Tianyue had just been completely Just pretending, she was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, letting them put down their vigilance, and knocked them out with one blow.


Several weak voices sounded in horror, how could this girl kill? She killed Zhang Shi without fear at all.

"It's illegal to kill."

Qin Tianyue almost couldn't help laughing. She looked around at the people who were swaying around. "Murdering is against the law? Then you are not breaking the law like this? Don't you just count the money and kill them?"

"How would you know?"

Liao Kui looked at Qin Tianyue in disbelief, wanted to move, but couldn't move at all.

"How do I know that you don't need to know, I just need to know that you will not end well."

The devilish voice echoed in the factory room, very soft and faint.

Even without the eyes of heaven, Qin Tianyue knew that this group of people would definitely not end well. She had already reported to the police just now and was only waiting for the police to come.

She will not take the initiative to deal with them, and will let the law bring these people to justice.

However, before they were arrested, she would not let them feel better. Qin Tianyue picked up the medicine bottle in her hand, and she sprinkled the fine powder into the air. Liao Kui and others breathed it into the body. At this time, they were still It doesn't feel much, but in the days to come and the rest of their lives, they will live in pain.

This is what Qin Tianyue punished them, punishing them for treating their lives like grass.

Indifferently glanced at Gao Yueping and others who fell on the ground, Qin Tianyue never looked again, and walked towards the room where Shen Wenwen was detained.

At this time, only Liao Xin and two men were left in the room. Liao Xin kicked Su Anxin with his feet, and Su Anxin shrank back in horror. Before he could beg for mercy, they kicked him into the corner and hit the wall. Fainted.

Shen Wenwen hugged the unconscious child and gritted her teeth. Without Qin Tianyue, she was very scared, and she didn't know what happened to Qin Tianyue?

Just now this group of people asked for their home phone number. They didn't know that Su Anxin's phone was picked up by the servant, and the servant coldly criticized them as liars.

This group of people thought that Su Anxin was lying to them. Several people beat Su Anxin together. It was useless for Su Anxin to beg for mercy. They wanted to say to call Su Zhengyang Sangqiu again. These people didn't give Su Anxin a chance at all and directly attacked Su Anxin. An Xin kicked the wall into a coma.

At this time, Su An's heart was not healthy, his whole body was bruised, his face was swollen like a pig, and he fell on the ground unconscious, and didn't know whether it was alive or dead?

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