Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 850: Shen Wenwen blames himself, pig head Su Anxin (five watch)

Only then did the chief of the police station know that the daughter of the Su family had also been arrested, and hurriedly told Su Zhengyang that the kidnappers had been caught and that they should be fine. Su Anxin should be fine. They are now going to the direction of the fishing village.

Knowing that Su Anxin had nothing to do, Su Zhengyang hurriedly came here with Sang Qiu.

A dozen policemen entered the factory first, and at a glance they saw Gao Yueping and others stumbling, including Liao Xin who was thrown to the ground by Mo Xiao's men. Ten people stumbling, all without any strength, watched the police enter in horror. Go inside the factory.

A dozen policemen captured Gao Yueping and ten people. Ten people had no ability to resist at all and were directly handcuffed and arrested.

Shen Yichuan Weixiao looked around quickly. Shen's father, Mrs. Shen, was very old, and Shen Yichuan Weixiao did not agree with them to come. Since Shen Wenwen had nothing more to do, they only needed to bring Shen Wenwen back.

"Warm! Warm!"

Wei Xiao shouted worriedly around, Shen Wenwen's loud voice rang from the room, Wei Xiao and Shen Yichuan hurried forward.

Su Zhengyang Sangqiu followed Shen Yichuan behind them, and also called Su Anxin's name, but did not get Su Anxin's answer, and the two called out in fear.

"Warm, warm!"

After Wei Xiao ran into the room and saw Shen Wenwen, she quickly hugged her in her arms, her face a little pale, "You scared your mother to death? Didn't you let you go out? Why are you not obedient?"

After knowing that Shen Wenwen was **** at the first moment, Wei Xiao was really scared. He immediately asked the Wei family. The Wei family thought that Shen Wenwen was resting in the room. They didn’t know that she had driven out, and the guard only regarded it as the Wei family. The young master drove out and didn't take a closer look. No one would have thought that Shen Wenwen drove out.

"Sorry mother, sorry, warmth is wrong, warmth will never dare again next time."

Shen Wenwen hurriedly hugged Wei Xiao. She really knew that she was wrong. She shouldn't be disobedient. If there weren't Qin Tianyue today, she would definitely be in an accident. By then, her parents wouldn't know what would happen?

Shen Yichuan stood on the spot and closed his eyes. He was also uncomfortable and wanted to scold Shen Wenwen, but he thought that she had just gone through such a big incident, and he swallowed the accusation that she blurted out.

Compared to self-blame, he felt more distressed for his daughter, and they almost lost her.

"Sister doesn't know that something happened to me? What about grandparents?"

Shen Wenwen asked with self-reproach and worried, Wei Xiao sighed, "Your grandparents know that we are worried to death, and we dare not tell her your sister, for fear that she is worried."

Shen You's child has just been saved. If you tell her, what if she gets too excited.

They were afraid that something would happen to her, so they didn't tell her.

As for why Mr. Shen knew, it was because when the kidnappers called, they happened to answer the phone.

"Where is Tianyue?"

Wei Xiao pushed away Shen Wenwen and asked suspiciously. The daughter was here. Qin Tianyue rescued her daughter. Why didn't she see her.

Shen Yichuan looked around, did not see Qin Tianyue's figure, but saw Su Anxin who was kicked to the wall and passed out into a coma. He almost couldn't recognize Su Anxin's appearance. It was because Su Anxin was beaten and his face was blue and purple. The upper is red and swollen like a pig's head, where there is the slightest usual delicate appearance.

"Tian Yue didn't know who he saw, so he jumped down from the side window in a panic."

Thinking of the scene just now, Shen Wenwen couldn't help but laugh.

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