Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 857: What you do yourself.

Even if that were the case, how could I make her feel angry because my daughter was tortured so much, but Shen Wenwen did nothing.

Su Anxin was lying on the bed quietly in a coma. Sang Qiu stayed by her side. In the middle of the night, Su Anxin seemed to have signs of waking up, but she had been restlessly asleep. She seemed to be thinking about her kidnapping today. Things, keep talking about don't don't don't.

Sang Qiu has been with Su Anxin. It was the third afternoon when Su Anxin woke up. As soon as she woke up, she yelled frantically, "Don't hit me, don't hit me."

"An Xin, it's mom, it's mom here."

At this time, the pustules on Sang Qiu’s face disappeared a lot, but a scar was left on her cheek. It was useless to let her use countless beauty products to eliminate scars, and she could only apply a thick layer of powder on her face. Can meet people.

Sang Qiu is very concerned about her appearance. She absolutely cannot tolerate her face being disfigured. In the past two days, she has sent people to go abroad to find the best skin care products. She must remove the scars on her face. Only in this way, she She is the most perfect woman in the eyes of outsiders, even though she is over forty years old, she is still beautiful to the envy of countless women.

Su Anxin yelled for a while. After knowing that she was at home, she finally calmed down, and threw herself into Sang Qiu's arms, "Mom, Mom, it hurts so much."

Sang Qiu hugged Su Anxin heartily, and gently patted her back, "I know, mom knows all."

"Mom, both Shen Wenwen and that woman, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be like this."

At this time, Su Anxin still didn't realize her mistake. She shoved all her grievances and pains onto Shen Wenwen Qin Tianyue, feeling that her pain was given by them.

Sang Qiu let go of Su Anxin, his face suddenly sinking, "Anxin, you are too confused this time, do you know?"

She didn't understand why Su Anxin was so impetuous during this period. She had taught her many things countless times, why she had forgotten everything, became so impetuous, and even did such a thing.

Shen Wenwen is the treasure of Shen Jiawei's family. If she is framed by her own daughter, their Su family will be unrecovered. Fortunately, Su Zhengyang doesn't know about this matter, and she also conceals it very well.

If Su Zhengyang knew that his daughter Su Anxin was going to frame Shen Wenwen when she was kidnapped, she would definitely not make her daughter feel better, and he might even punish her severely regardless of Su Anxin's injury.


Su Anxin stared at Sang Qiu with her red and swollen eyes. She didn't seem to understand why he was injured so badly, why Sang Qiu still accused him.

"Isn't it clear what you are doing yourself? How many times has your mother taught you that you have to tolerate everything and not be impulsive. Why don't you listen?"

"Who is Shen Wenwen? You actually framed her. Now that the Shen family and our Su family have been guilty, if your father knew about this, he would definitely not spare you."

Although their Su family has not particularly deep friendship with the Shen family, they are also one of the five giants, and they usually have contacts. Now their daughter has a bad relationship with the Shen family, and they don't know how to get along in the future.

The Shen family is more powerful than the Su family, and it is not a good thing to offend the Shen family now.

"Mom, I didn't mean it. That man wanted to bully me. I can't bear it, so that's why?"

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