Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 867: Can it be compared? (Six shifts)

Can she tell them that she has been staying at home? Can you tell them that she almost died so embarrassing thing? This matter is her shame, she will never tell anyone.

Except for the parents' knowledge, only Shen Wenwen knew that the woman was dead, and even if she knew, she could only go to **** and say, she didn't have to worry about so much.

Su Anxin's tone was very poor. Qi Qing and others knew that she was angry, so they quickly changed the subject, "Don't be angry, An Xin, it's our fault. You see that Beijing is mostly beautiful, so let's go around."

"It is great that Anxin can study with us in the future."

"An Xin is a high-achieving student from a prestigious foreign university. He was admitted at the age of sixteen. Can we match it?"

"Yes, yes, it is an honour and an honour for us to come to Beijing University to study with peace of mind."

The three of Konjiajia spared no effort to slap Su Anxin's flattery. Su Anxin, who was not so happy, was in a much better mood and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Qi Qing looked at Su Anxin's expression on the side, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after knowing that she was in a much better mood.

"An Xin, let's go shopping again."

Qi Qing smiled softly, Su Anxin nodded, and Konjiajia quickly laughed.

Kang Jiajia, Qi Qing and others are all freshmen at the same age. Only Su Anxin is 16 years old, about to be 17 years old, but because she is only under 17 years old after returning from abroad, Sang Qiu and Su Zhengyang arranged her to study at Beijing University. It is because of this that, together with Konjiajia and others, he became a freshman in Beijing University.


Su Anxin nodded indifferently. She was not in a good mood, and she didn't particularly want to go shopping. If she hadn't stayed at home for so many days and didn't want to go back immediately, she wouldn't want to wander around like this.

"Isn't that Shen Wenwen? Hey, who is the woman next to her? It looks a bit..."

Some jealous voices of Kang Jiajia sounded. She was the first to see Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue. Of course, she knew Shen Wenwen. She wanted to climb Shen Wenwen at first, but Shen Wenwen didn’t even look at Shen Wenwen. Looking at her, she was embarrassed, and then she became friends with Su Anxin.

Shen Wenwen is a little arrogant, and there are hardly any good friends in the capital. Now there is a girl standing next to her. Of course, she is going to be curious. When she looks at it, she immediately feels jealous, because she The girl standing next to Shen Wenwen is beautiful, and her beauty belongs to that kind of amazing beauty.

There are almost no girls in Beijing who have her beautiful looks. Her beauty is ethereal, her features are exquisite and delicate, which makes many people around her look at her, especially the eyes of some boys. Everyone's eyes are stuck on her. On her body, even her gaze can hardly look away.

Qi Qing followed Kon Jiajia's gaze, her expression changed slightly, apparently they also saw Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue, their eyes all fell on Qin Tianyue, their expressions were dull and unclear, with a hint of jealousy and envy.

Qi Qing subconsciously touched her face. Her face was also beautiful. She was not willing to make friends with Su Anxin because she was afraid of being jealous, so she kept covering up. Now seeing Qin Tianyue, she found that she couldn't compare to it. People, what's the use of covering up for so long?

It's ironic that it's not as good as others, but has been careful to cover it up.

Qi Qing clenched her teeth and put down her hands.

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