Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 870: The waiter is so rampant, the retribution is coming (one more)

But a waiter is so rampant, and I don’t know who gave me the courage. Is it because Shen Wenwen beside him? Even if it is Shen Wenwen, they can't climb her, and they are not so afraid of her. After all, Shen Wenwen does not have the ability to let her What happened to their family? The big deal is that they will confront Shen Wenwen directly.

"Yes, a waiter is pretty good-looking, and that's probably the end of the game!"

Yu Jiao snorted coldly, and Su Anxin was so comforted by the people, and her mood was much better, "If you are not dead, you will have a big fortune."

Qin Tianyue stood there, his eyes fell on a few people, his expression was indifferent, and he was calm and warm beside him, and sternly cursed, "Tianyue is not a waiter. What are you guys who are talking loudly here?"

These people have long been displeased by her. She used to help Su Anxin to bully other girls, but now she still dares to bully Tianyue, which is really tolerable and unbearable.

"Huh, it's not the waiter? Don't think I don't know? Sister Warmth, don't help her to cover up."

Su Anxin said softly. Seeing a lot of people approaching her, her voice became louder and louder. She wanted to let everyone know that Qin Tianyue was a waiter and what a good-looking person. Even if a waiter was studying at Beijing University, she was not Become a man's vassal.

Su Anxin's words made everyone around him focus on Qin Tianyue, and they talked in a low voice. She thought that such a beautiful girl had a good temperament. She must have a very good family background. I didn't expect what kind of waiter was it?

After being discussed by so many people, Shen Wen was very angry, staring at Su Anxin and the others were very unkind. Qin Tianyue pulled her at what she wanted to say.

Qin Tianyue shook his head towards her, Shen Wenwen glanced at Qin Tianyue, and closed his mouth.

Holding Shen Warm's hand, Qin Tianyue looked at a few people with a cold expression that was not a smile but a smile.

The corners of her lips twitched slightly, and her delicate lips slightly opened, "Some people with disgusting mouths will get retribution, God looks at it."

"Haha, retribution?! Retribution will only be with you...ah!"

Kon Jiajia suddenly covered her mouth. Su Anxin and Qi Qing looked at her strangely. Many onlookers looked at Kon Jiajia. When Kon Jiajia was so angry, what did she suddenly cover her mouth for?

"Jiajia, what's the matter with you?"

Qi Qing looked at Kon Jiajia suspiciously. Kon Jiajia covered her mouth and didn't speak. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Suddenly, she felt that there was something wrong with her mouth, as if she could not speak.

I was talking just now, and felt a chill piercing her mouth, and then she felt a pain in her mouth. She subconsciously covered her mouth, and she didn't know what was going on with her mouth now.

"Let me see, what's wrong with you?"

He Lu stretched out his hand to grab Kon Jiajia's hand and tugged, Kon Jiajia's hand was torn off by her, and the whole mouth appeared in front of everyone.


Quite a lot of exclamations came, and Su Anxin, Qi Qing and others' voices were especially loud.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

Kon Jiajia's voice was originally beautiful and crisp, but now suddenly she couldn't speak well. She quickly touched her mouth, her face pale in fright.

I saw Kon Jiajia's mouth slanted, and her mouth that was still pretty slanted suddenly looked strange and weird.

He Lu, who was still holding Konka's hand, was so scared that he shook off Konka's hand. Konkajia was so scared that he covered her mouth and ran away quickly.

She feels so embarrassed, has never been so embarrassed?

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