Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 877: Military training (eight shifts)

At the end of August, the Beijing University completed the half-month military training.

Putting on the military training camouflage uniform, Shen Wenwen quickly wiped the ice cream for himself.

This box of ice cream was given to her by Qin Tianyue, and her sister brought it back to her. After using it for a while, she could feel that her skin was much better. Her skin was good at first, but now she has used ice cream for several days. The pink and white skin is like a baby's skin. Many people will come forward to ask her what product she is using when they see it. At this time, she will spare no effort to recommend the products in Qin Tianyue's store.

It is precisely because of Shen Warm's promotion that many people go to Pinyue stores to buy ice muscle cream, and the effect is really good.

Every time Qin Tianyue was on the sidelines, he couldn't help laughing and joking. People who didn't know thought that the Pinyue store was opened by Shen Wenren's house, so he advertised so hard that he was so angry that he could not help pretending to beat Qin Tianyue.

"Tian Yue, how do you think I wiped it?"

In the changing room, Shen Wenwen hurriedly raised her head to show Qin Tianyue. This horrible military training was about to begin. In order to prevent herself from turning black, she applied ice cream on top and bottom to prevent herself from being exposed to the sun. black.

Qin Tianyue looked at it carefully and nodded with a smile, "Yes, one big beauty!"

Shen Wenwen knew that Qin Tianyue was joking about himself again, and stretched out his hand to hug Qin Tianyue, "You are the great beauty, come here, the great beauty let this king kiss him."

Qin Tianyue dodged with a smile, "Okay, don't make a fuss and will start military training soon."

She pushed away Shen Wenwen and got up to adjust her clothes. Shen Wenwen sat aside and looked obsessively at Qin Tianyue, "This military camouflage uniform is best-looking only if you wear it. It looks good no matter how you look at it."

Although Shen Wenwen was pretending to be obsessed, his words were true. Qin Tianyue was tall and exquisite, and had an extraordinary temperament. She wore a camouflage uniform and she was really a military man.

"Okay, don't be silly, and pack your things quickly!"

Qin Tianyue couldn't help but smiled and shook his head. Shen Wenwen hurriedly got up and saluted a military salute, "Yes, sir!"

A few girls changing clothes were amused by Shen Wenwen, "Warm, you are so funny!"

"I'm not funny anymore, hurry up, it's about to be military training!"

Shen Wenwen waved his hands, everyone smiled and nodded quickly. Shen Wenwen’s family is the best here. Everyone treats her very harmoniously. However, Qin Tianyue who is next to Shen Wenwen is relatively indifferent, and Qin Tianyue doesn’t care. After Su Anxin’s troubles , One pass from ten to ten, almost everyone knows that her family is not good, of course it is not worth their time to talk about her.

For this result, Qin Tianyue was very satisfied.

Just after Shen Wenwen finished speaking, the figures of several girls walked into the lounge from the outside, and the head of them was Su Anxin, who was ashamed that day. Behind Su Anxin, there were Qi Qing, Yu Jiao and He Lu. They did not see Kang Jiajia. , It’s because of the crooked corners of the mouth that I don’t want to be ashamed of coming to school.

The moment Su Anxin entered the lounge and saw Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue, her expression suddenly sank and her expression was ugly. She didn't expect Yuanjia Road to be narrow, and she would encounter Shen Wenwen and Qin Tianyue in the changing room of the lounge.

Standing in front of Su Anxin, Qi Qing and He Lu looked at each other, Yu Jiao's eyes fell on Qin Tianyue's Shen Wenwen, and she quickly withdrew.

Shen Wenwen was still holding Bingjiu ointment in his hand, glanced at Su Anxin, and withdrew his gaze indifferently.

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