Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 881: Why is he here, too fierce (four more)

The eyes of several people fell on Qin Tianyue's body on the left. Seeing her as if nothing had happened, everyone was shocked, why they were so tired that she could still act as before, and her complexion was so good.

Shen Wenwen, Qin Tianyue, has been in the sun for most of the day, and his face is still so rosy and white. Is it really the reason for that ice cream?

"Why is he here?"

Qi Qing looked not far away, and Su Anxin's eyes quickly looked over. Just as they looked over, more than a dozen screams could not help sounding.

"Yun Yao! Why did Yun Yao come here?"

"And Pei Li and Song Xuan!"

Many girls are obviously tired and paralyzed, but still have such a loud discussion, I have to say that women really can't be underestimated.

Yun Yao's slender figure walked over from a distance, holding a few bottles of mineral water in his left hand and a clean towel in his right hand and walked towards Qin Tianyue's warm and resting direction, all the way past the depressed tips of girls. Scream.

Pei Li Songxuan stood under a tree, teasing Yun Yao looking towards Qin Tianyue's direction, jokingly said, "It's really planted, it looks like it's hopeless."

"I haven't seen him normal in the past two days, and I laughed secretly by myself from time to time. Now that I know that people are training in the military, I deliberately ran to buy a few bottles of water and clean towels to show their courtesy. Is this a sign of salvation?"

Pei Li Song Xuan glanced at each other and shook his head neatly, feeling that Yun Yao was not saved. People didn't even look at him at all. They just got hot, really finished.

Shen Wenwen was talking to Qin Tianyue about the painful military training. A bottle of water stretched out from behind. Qin Tianyue subconsciously stretched out his hand and threw it over his shoulder. Yun Yao's slender and tall body was thrown forward by Qin Tianyue, and he fell a dog to eat shit.

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded, and time seemed to stagnate for a while.

Standing under the tree and watching the lively Pei Li Song Xuan's eyes almost didn't fall out, "What's the situation?"

"I'm going, this girl is too fierce, right? I thought that the evasive action that day was just a subconscious evasive action. How can I know that people have real skills!"

Pei Li murmured, his gaze fell on Qin Tianyue, the girl who looked slender and weak, even Yun Yao was thrown into a **** without even reacting to that slender girl. It was really amazing.

Yun Yao's tall body was lying on the ground, Shen Wenwen couldn't help laughing out loud, and pointed at Yun Yao on the ground, "Yun Yao, you have today too! Tianyue, you are so amazing!"

Shen Wenwen covered Laughing's aching belly. She hadn't reacted just now. Qin Tianyue had already thrown Yun Yao to the ground. That hand movement was so beautiful!

Yun Yao jumped up from the ground one by one, the eyes of the surroundings fell on him, he glanced around slightly, everyone's eyes quickly withdrew, only Su Anxin's eyes were still looking here, Qin Tianyue's movements A few people could see clearly, Su Anxin gritted her teeth. No wonder she didn't die that day. It turned out that she still practiced martial arts, so she dared to throw Yun Yao, and she didn't know how she died in a while.

It's a pity that Su Anxin was destined to be disappointed. Yun Yao got up from the ground, as if this hadn't happened, patted his pants indifferently, and walked to Qin Tianyue casually, "Knowing that your military training is hard, I went to buy you water specially. Take a sip quickly."

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