Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 888: Your eyes should be treated (three shifts)

Fortunately, she has a more accurate vision, and has always been unable to like Su Anxin, otherwise she would not know if she had calculated it.

Now that she met such a powerful friend as Qin Tianyue, she didn't believe that Su Anxin could still be rampant.

"Sister Warmth, I didn't do anything, why did you pull me in."

Su Anxin certainly knew that Shen Wenwen meant something, and said dissatisfiedly.

Shen Wenwen raised his lips and smiled sarcastically, "I know if I have done it or not."

"Well, you are not allowed to speak!"

Instructor Cheng didn't look very good. This kind of thing happened on the first day of training, and he will get it later.

Instructor Cheng's gaze fell on He Lu, and He Lu still wanted to defend, "Instructor Cheng, you have to believe me, she really tripped me, I will never fall to the ground alone."

He Lu seemed to have some confidence again, and pointed at Qin Tianyue. "She tripped me deliberately. I wanted to step forward and apologize to her for what happened before, but she tripped me deliberately and now has a fake wound. Let us see it, just to frame me and make you all think that I kicked her deliberately."

He Lu firmly believes that Qin Tianyue’s wound must be fake. She obviously didn’t touch her. How could she have such a serious wound. Maybe she painted it deliberately. She must have known that they were going to frame her, so everyone was not paying attention just now. Draw it when

She didn't expect Qin Tianyue's scheming to be so deep. It's no wonder that she could safely escape the frames these few times. It seems that she can't be underestimated.

Su Anxin and Qi Qing frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong and couldn't tell.

He Lu's words caused many onlookers to whisper, and some military training people not far away also looked over.

Qin Tianyue's lips twitched coldly, this person is really Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten.

"Fake wounds?"

The clear voice of spring water sounded cold, and instructor Cheng's eyes fell sharply on Qin Tianyue. How did he feel that Qin Tianyue at this time seemed to be another person? She was an ordinary girl, but now she seemed to be deterrent and oppressive. The big people dare not look down upon it.

He Lu looked at Qin Tianyue, and suddenly did not dare to look directly at Qin Tianyue's eyes. She always felt that there was something in those eyes that scared her, and she couldn't breathe.

"Yes... it's a fake wound!"

He Lu said timidly, she didn't know what was wrong, she couldn't even speak under Qin Tianyue's eyes. It was obvious that this woman came out of a small place, so what was she afraid of?

Thinking this way, I seem to have a lot of courage!

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly and lifted his feet slightly, "You can actually call such a big wound a fake wound. It seems that your eyes should be treated."

Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand and rubbed vigorously on his heel, the color of the wound became more and more bruised, "You kicked it mercilessly, and you lied to Instructor Cheng that you wanted to apologize to me. Is this your sincerity in apologizing? Then I really thank you!"

"He Lu, I didn't expect you to be such a despicable person. You kicked Tianyue and said that Qin Tianyue tripped you. It was obvious that you wanted to trip Qin Tianyue, but ended up tripping yourself."

Shen Wenwen hurriedly added fire, and many people around looked at He Lu, and the ridicule in his eyes was in full view.

He Lu trembled all over by everyone's gaze, and this feeling made her almost collapse.

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