Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 893: Why don't you pretend, I miss you (eight more)


Qin Tianyue laughed teasingly, "Why didn't you pretend it?"

Xiaoyanger, when she couldn't find out, she should admit it now, right?

Qin Tianyue reached out and grabbed Mo Yishen's face, "What you did is really similar to him. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it."

If you just took a closer look, you might be able to find that Mo Yishen and Instructor Cheng are still somewhat different.

"Don't make trouble!"

Mo Yishen released Qin Tianyue, and Qin Tianyue hurriedly withdrew from Mo Yishen's arms. This is the campus. Mo Yishen is still wearing military uniform. If someone sees the ambiguous behavior of the two of them, he will really not be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River.

Fortunately, there is no one where they are now.

"What are you doing here?"

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen curiously.

Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes deepened, "I miss you."

Qin Tianyue couldn't help blushing, "Isn't this not long after we separated?"

Since she came to the capital, the two have almost been together, and now her villa is about to become his settlement.

"Well, I still want to!"

Mo Yishen walked forward, and Qin Tianyue quickly followed.

When he walked out of the school gate, Qin Tianyue glanced around. There was no one at the gate of Beijing, except for the traffic there was a luxurious motorhome parked under a big tree not far away.

"Go to the RV and wait for me for a while."

Mo Yishen's low voice sounded in front of Qin Tianyue. Just as Qin Tianyue was about to talk to Mo Yishen, he saw his slender and tall figure walking towards the Rolls-Royce parked aside.

Qin Tianyue walked in the direction of the RV with doubts. Just standing in front of the RV, the originally closed RV was opened and Mo Yan's figure walked out of the RV. Behind him there were two middle-aged women in maid costumes.

"Madam, get in the car!"

Mo Yan spoke respectfully in a low voice, smiling behind his gold-rimmed glasses.

Qin Tianyue really didn't know which one this was, "Mo Yan, what is this going to do?"

"Madam will know when I get in the car."

Mo Yan stepped away, Qin Tianyue was really helpless, raised his foot and stepped into the car, and the two middle-aged women hurriedly stepped back and stood aside respectfully.

The RV is big, and it's like a small home inside, with everything you need.

"Madam, please sit down!"

A middle-aged servant invited Qin Tianyue to sit at the dining table in the RV.

Qin Tianyue sat down in confusion, she didn't understand what Mo Yishen was doing.

The air conditioner was on in the RV and the temperature was good. Qin Tianyue, who had been in military training for a day, instantly relaxed and leaned on a leather chair.

After she sat down, the two middle-aged women hurriedly left. Qin Tianyue looked around curiously. Before she could finish, the two servants came over with a lot of food and respectfully placed it on the dining table in front of Qin Tianyue. forward.

Qin Tianyue looked at him in shock. There was a lot of food in front of her, including pastries, fruits, drinks and ice cream.

Mo Yan stood aside respectfully, "Ma'am, Lord Mo knows that your military training was specially prepared for us by your hard work."

Qin Tianyue raised his head to look at Mo Yan, his heart warmed, and his lips twitched, "Did he personally ask you to prepare it?"


Mo Yan nodded. It was also the first time he knew that his Master Mo had such a careful side. He knew that Qin Tianyue wanted military training and pushed away all the work to prepare them to eat.

The sun is still a bit big today. These things are carefully prepared, with a little bit of coolness, but not particularly cold. All this is ordered by Lord Mo, because he knows that girls eating too much cold food is bad for their health. Ice cream is too cold. Leng Du only prepared one or two things, fearing that Qin Tianyue's eating too much would damage her body.

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