Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 903: Really effective (two more)

She saw with her own eyes that Shen Wenwen's skin became better. After a day of sun exposure, her skin was still so delicate and white. Shen Wenwen was so precious to this thing. It was obvious that this thing was indeed very good.

"Really? Where did you know?"

Sang Qiu asked her daughter Su Anxin in doubt, and Su Anxin quickly explained what happened today.

"Madam, this thing must be effective when the lady said that, why don't you try it."

Ye Qin quickly agreed, and Sang Qiu nodded, her expression was a bit agitated, the scars on her face did not show any slight traces for so many days, she was in a irritable mood for a long time, and now she has such good things, of course she wants to try it right away. .

Sang Qiu hurriedly returned to his room, took a shower, and then smeared ice cream all over his face.

Su Anxin walked into Sang Qiu's room and stood in front of Sang Qiu, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the marks on Sang Qiu's face were lighter, "Mom, it really works!"

Su Anxin reached out her hand and touched Sang Qiu's face, and found that the trace had become shallower. It only took an hour or two, how could there be such a good effect.

"It seems that the medical shop is really good at it."

Su Anxin said happily. At this time, she couldn't wait to use this ice cream too. I believe that the affirmative effect will be the same as Shen Warmth.

Her skin is also good, but there are still some tiny spots on her face. Recently, because of her anger, her pores seem to be thicker.

"Well, it's really good!"

Sang Qiu looked at herself in the mirror, and after using this ice cream for about two hours, the marks on her face began to fade a bit, and the traces on her body also faded. Her skin seemed to be smoother.

This ice cream is really the best beauty product she has ever used.

"Let your husband buy more tomorrow, try to buy more."

Sang Qiu said in a low voice, Ye Qin nodded with a smile, "Yes, ma'am."

"This thing has been done well, and the wages of you and your husband should also go up."

Sang Qiu sat in front of the dressing table, her eyes faintly on Ye Qin, who was standing behind the mirror. She knew how to win people's hearts and knew when to reward and when to punish.

Ye Qin's smile became even brighter when Sang Qiu said this, "Thank you, madam, thank you, madam."

"Okay, let's go down!"

Sang Qiu nodded faintly, and Ye Qin hurriedly left. Su Anxin stood behind Sang Qiu and rubbed her shoulders, "My mother is the most beautiful, and Dad can't take her eyes away when she sees it."

Sang Qiu looked at Su Anxin dotingly, "You are the only one!"

"Mom, I won't bother you anymore. When Dad comes back and sees you so beautiful, he will definitely love you more."

Su Anxin was joking, and hurried to the door.

Sang Qiu sat in front of the dressing table, looking at himself who was still beautiful, picked up the ice cream on the table and applied it again.

With the effect of this ice skin cream, it is estimated that it will not take long for him to recover as usual.

Thinking of recovering soon and not having to stay at home all the time, Sang Qiu feels better.

It's a pity that Sang Qiu didn't know that even if the Bingji Ointment could recover for her now, there would be scars on her face again before long, because Qin Tianyue had already calculated this moment.

There are residual toxins in Sang Qiu's body. Even if the Bingjiu ointment can restore her appearance, there will soon be residual poison on her face. This is why Qin Tianyue is so confident that only she can heal the marks on Sang Qiu's face.

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