Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 905: Poisoner has excellent medical skills, and his whole body is rotten (four more)

Doctor Ann stood aside embarrassedly, and shook his head after hesitating, "I can't deal with Madam's poison now."

She thinks she has good medical skills, but she can't even find out what the poison is.

This kind of poison in Sang Qiu is very strange, it won't cause much harm to the body, but it can never get rid of the scars on Sang Qiu's face.

This poison seemed to be a prank to poison people. She didn't seem to have any other intentions, just to make Sang Qiu scars on his face so that Sang Qiu couldn't see people.

Sang Qiu looked ugly, and directly swept the things beside him to the ground.

"The poisoner's medical skills are very good, I am afraid that only she can deal with this poison."

Dr. An said in a deep voice, Sang Qiu gritted his teeth fiercely, and inexplicably thought of the way those who claimed to be genius doctors treated her respectfully when he was in Luzhai. It is conceivable that the girl has a very high status in the genius doctor, that is to say, she Dr. Ann’s medical skills are really not comparable to that of Dr. Ann.

"You mean I must find the woman who poisoned me and let her detoxify me?"

Sang Qiu's face was gloomy, and Dr. Ye Qin'an stood aside and did not dare to look directly at Sang Qiu.

The angry Sangqiu looked terrible. They were all people who knew her, and knew that once Sangqiu was angry, he would never provoke him.

"That woman, she can't wait for my whole body to rot, how could it detoxify me?"

Sang Qiuyin said fiercely, holding onto something next to him tightly.

She could feel that the woman's hostility towards their mother and daughter, dare to poison her like this, how could it be possible to detoxify her.

Does she have to meet people with this face all her life? She is the mistress of the Su family, the elegant and noble Mrs. Su in the crowd, how can she go to meet people in such a ghostly manner?

"Madam, why don't you let the doctor at Xuanyi shop try."

Ye Qin stood in front of Sang Qiu, whispering suggestions.

Sang Qiu looked at Ye Qin, her beautiful eyes were cold, "Xuanyi Shop? What is that place?"

Doctor An looked at Ye Qin curiously, with the same doubts in her heart. She had never heard of a mysterious doctor's shop. Listening to Ye Qin's meaning, this mysterious doctor's shop seemed to be very good.

"Madam, you forgot. I told you last time that this ice skin ointment was refined by the doctor of the mysterious doctor shop. It can be refined with such a magical effect. The doctor's medical skills must be amazing. Let them treat you, maybe they will heal the scar on your face."

Ye Qin whispered, Sang Qiu's eyes flashed, "Is their medical skills really so good?"

"Yes, my husband said that Xuanyipu has many patients every day, because there are too many patients, and there seems to be a long line at the entrance of Xuanyipu."

"I heard that everyone praised the doctors in the doctors for their amazing medical skills.

Ye Qin's words moved Sang Qiu a little bit. In order to recover herself, even if it was an unknown medical shop, she still wanted to try it.

"Then let the doctor at the mysterious doctor shop treat me."

Sang Qiuleng said, Doctor Ann looked slightly stiff, but he dared not say anything.

"Yes, ma'am, I will personally ask the doctor from the Xuanyi Shop to come to Su's house to treat you."

Ye Qin said respectfully, and Sang Qiu hummed, "Send Doctor Ann back."

"Yes, Doctor Ann, please."

Dr. An packed his things and looked at Sang Qiu, "Madam, then I will go first."

Sang Qiu nodded indifferently, and stopped looking at Dr. An and Ye Qin.

After Ye Qin sent Dr. An away, he hurriedly drove to the mysterious doctor's shop that her husband said.

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