Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 999: Are you still ready to hide me in the snow (two more)


Hua Zhenzhu and others stood in place in surprise. Bai Chuxia walked out of it and looked at Qin Tianyue. She knew that her sister Tianyue did not have a mother. Now suddenly she heard her mention the word mother. She didn't have a moment. react to.

It turned out that the woman was the mother of Sister Tianyue, the one who abandoned Sister Tianyue.

A cold light flashed under Bai Chuxia's eyes, and after an instant recovery, she walked to Qin Tianyue's side.

"Are you so surprised?"

Qin Tianyue shook his head and laughed, "Well, don't mention her, I chose these clothes according to your favorite style."

She knew that Hua Zhenzhu and others had just arrived in the capital, and because the shop business was very good, and there was no time to buy them after the season changed. This time, taking advantage of Sang Qiu's willingness to be taken advantage of, she naturally had to choose some clothes, but fortunately, Hua Zhenzhu and others would wear them. The numbers are similar to my own.

Hua Zhenzhu felt warm when she heard Qin Tianyue say this. They always knew that Qin Tianyue was thoughtful, but she didn't expect to choose clothes for them to change the season.

"It's too early. I will take Chu Xia back first, and we will gather together in the evening."

Qin Tianyue smiled softly and everyone nodded. Qin Tianyue led Bai Chuxia towards the supermarket. She was going to buy some daily necessities and some food.

After buying food, Qin Tianyue walked out of the supermarket with Bai Chuxia carrying things, a slender figure just came out of the car, walked towards Qin Tianyue, stood in front of her, bent over and took what she was holding.

Seeing the incoming person, Bai Chuxia took a step back subconsciously, giving the space in front of him to the person in front of him.

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen who had taken her things in surprise, "How do you know I am here?"

Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand smoothly, and walked in the direction of the car, "Is it not easy to know your whereabouts?"

Qin Tianyue curled his lips and stopped talking.

That's right, she has really been shopping here in addition to Xuanyipu Pinyue recently.

Back at the villa, Qin Tianyue became busy. Bai Chuxia stood outside the kitchen, his eyes fell on the two figures in the kitchen, and silently went upstairs to take out the medical book to read.

"You won't go back?"

Qin Tianyue stared at Mo Yishen, who put his things down, with his hands on his hips. They are going to have a dinner together tonight. Mo Yishen is the rhythm to stay.

"Are you still going to hide me in the snow?"

Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes were slightly deep, and the slender figure pushed towards Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue kept moving back, until he reached the counter and reached out to touch Mo Yishen's chest, "Who hides you? NS?"

"You don't want me to participate every time you have a dinner together, don't you want to hide me in the snow?"

Everyone knew him, and they all knew who he was. She even hid him deeply and didn't officially introduce him to them. Of course he was not happy.

"Ahem, no one!"

Qin Tianyue quickly pretended to cough, but didn't admit it at all.


Mo Yishen raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and Qin Tianyue dared to disagree, "I know, I know, you can stay."

Mo Yi's thin lips slightly hooked, turned and walked towards the kitchen counter, preparing to take care of the things in front of the counter first.

Qin Tianyue stood behind him with a smile. She wanted to hide him, but she was worried that he didn't like to play with them. Every time we had a dinner together, everyone would be crazy. If he was around, would he be unhappy?

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