Rebirth Space Little Fierce Girl

Chapter 242: Dugu Huanxu's doubts

  Chapter 242 Dugu Huanxu's doubts

Li Shi, one of the trio of yin and yang, said: "Li Zheng, this is too unfair. When we came here, we only had to build a house by ourselves. In order to build a house, we don't have any money. His Royal Highness Li Wang actually helped others to build a wooden house, isn't that out of intention to anger us?"

   "Hmph!" Zhou Lizheng said: "Who are you? His Royal Highness Li Wang doesn't even know who you are, so why are you mad at you? Don't you deliberately want to freeze people to death by letting them live in tents?"

"Besides, those people were originally the people of King Li's fiefdom. Isn't it normal that His Royal Highness Li treats them better than us? We are from Yongwang's fiefdom. His Royal Highness Li was willing to take us in and give us tents to live in. It's already good."

   "Let me tell you, if you have any objections, go talk to His Highness Li Wang yourself, or shut your mouth!"

   Li Shi was taken aback, and suddenly didn't dare to speak more.

  Others also had opinions, but seeing Lizheng saying this, they dared not speak anymore.

  Zhou Li was looking at the group of people surrounding him, and said, "Is there anything else?"

  Chen Cuicui said: "Lizheng, how many people from other villages are here?"

  Zhou Lizheng said: "There are only two hundred people, a total of forty families."

   "Then they come, won't they occupy a lot of fields?"

"of course."

   "That's too much, they have occupied it, and we will have much less to use in the future."

Zhou Lizheng said: "Excessive? If they don't occupy them, can you use all those fields? There are tens of thousands of acres of fields in Liuye Village, but they all belong to His Royal Highness Li Wang. You have the ability to buy all those lands gone."

   "To talk about occupation, we were originally from the Yongwang fiefdom, but we still occupy the Liwang fiefdom while living here. The people in Liwang's fiefdom haven't said anything yet, so it's your turn to complain?"

  Chen Cuicui choked, and was immediately speechless.

Zhou Lizheng said: "By the way, I have to say one more thing. The wooden house is not like a green brick house. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Once the wooden house comes to winter, people will freeze to death if you live in it. Because this time, people from Changshui Village moved I have to be in a hurry, so His Highness Li Wang will provide them with charcoal in the future. You see, don’t have any objections, and don’t come to me to complain, that’s what His Royal Highness Li wants. If you have any opinions, go directly to Li Wang Your Highness."

   There was an uproar at the scene.

   "Who is the person from Changshui Village from His Royal Highness Li Wang? There are still charcoal fires available."

   "Yeah, this treatment is so good, I even want to live in a wooden house."

   "Do you want to go? How about leaving your blue brick house to the people of Changshui Village?"

   "I don't want it, I'm just joking, I have lived in a wooden house, and I lived in it in winter. Without charcoal fire, I would definitely freeze to death."


  Zhou Lizheng said: "Guys, do you have any questions? Let's ask clearly at once."

  Chen Cuicui rolled her eyes and said suddenly, "Zhou Lizheng, have you forgotten what happened to our village when we accepted outsiders before? Are you not afraid that what happened before will happen again when you accept so many people this time?"

Zhou Lizheng snorted, "Of course I'm afraid, but this is an order from His Royal Highness Li Wang. We are in the fiefdom of Li Wang, and His Highness Li Wang is our king. How dare you have any objection to His Highness Li Wang's decision? If you want to die, I will I don’t want to die, I want to live for decades more.”

  Chen Cuicui was stunned, and glanced at the official who rushed over out of curiosity, and suddenly dared not speak any more.

  Zhou Lizheng said: "Okay, since everyone has no problems, let's all leave, and those who should work should go to work."

  Some people dispersed immediately.

  Although the rest of the people were not convinced by King Li's decision, and worried that Liuye Village would not be peaceful after outsiders came in, they didn't dare to resist, so they had to disperse slowly.

  At this time, Nangong Anshan came to the backyard of the sugar factory and put the last batch of cotton exchanged from the system into the house.

  At this time, the backyard of the sugar factory was full of cotton, waiting for Dugu Huanxu's people to transport it away.

   She waited not long before Dugu Huanxu brought hundreds of carriages over.

  Dugu Huanxu went in and took a look at the cotton in each room, seeing that the cotton filled every room, he said: "There is really a lot of cotton here, how many catties are there in total?"

   Nangong Anshan said: "Every room has it, and they are all crowded to the room. It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of catties."

   "Hundreds of thousands of catties!" Dugu Huanxu was startled. With so much cotton, he could make a vest for every soldier.

  Nangong Anshan smiled and said: "Okay, I have a scale here, let your people weigh it and transport it away. The sooner it is transported away, the soldiers can wear cotton jackets as soon as possible."

  Dugu Huanxu said: "Okay, I will listen to you."

   After speaking, he asked people to start weighing.

  Of course, Dugu Huanxu was worried that his own people would be biased towards him and would tamper with him during the weighing, so he asked Nangong Anshan to find some of his own people to come over and watch his people weigh.

  Because there was really too much cotton, the five scales could not be weighed in one day, so Dugu Huanxu sent someone to bring a few more scales, and finally finished weighing in one day.

On the way, Dugu Huanxu also went to Nangong Anshan's house to have a meal. Nangong Anshan's house was not short of food, and he even cooked some food for the people brought by Dugu Huanxu. In one afternoon, her family The fire in the kitchen was never extinguished.

  Finally, before dark, all the cotton was weighed out, no more, no less, a total of one million catties, hundreds of thousands of catties more than what Nangong Anshan said.

  Nangong Anshan was also a little surprised by this number. She took out the cotton from the space, and then used her divine power to compact it and compact it again. She never expected to take out so much.

  Dugu Huanxu smiled and said: "There is a whole one million catties, which is really great. This winter, the soldiers in King Quanli's fiefdom will not suffer from the cold."

   Nangong Anshan smiled and said, "It's good if I can help."

   "It's just..." Dugu Huanxu asked suspiciously, "When did you buy these cottons?"

  Since his people came to Li Wang's fiefdom, in order to protect Nangong Anshan, they have often watched her actions. His people have never heard of Nangong Anshan buying cotton from others on a large scale?

  And so much cotton entered Liwang's fiefdom, and the soldiers at the gate of the city would report it if they found it. Why didn't anyone report it?

  Nangong Anshan coughed lightly and said, "This is a secret, I can't tell you. All in all, the cotton came in a fair way, so don't worry."

Seeing that she didn't say much, Dugu Huanxu didn't ask any more questions, and handed her the fifty thousand taels of bank note, saying: "This is a bank note, you take it well, it can be exchanged in all the banks in King Li's fiefdom. "

   Nangong Anshan took it with a smile, and said: "Okay, then I will accept it."

  (end of this chapter)

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