Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1029: Find the key!

The facts proved their views!

After the first ice dragon rushed over, I saw the sun suddenly became intense, and the earth became hot. The rising temperature at this moment caused the other new students to open their eyes, "What's the matter?"

Gu Jingyun stood up, squinted, and looked at the sun in the sky.

Is it his illusion? Why does he feel that this thing... seems to be shaking?

In the next second, the light emitted by the sun became even stronger!

If the temperature they have felt here these days has always been the warmth of spring, now it is even more terrifying than the scorching heat of midsummer, and the ground seems to be able to smoke!

Those who can go to the last round are no idiots, and they reacted at once.

"The sun has a problem!"

In an instant, everyone finally found their goal and suddenly became energetic. Some quickly turned water into ice like Mulin Che wanted to attack the sun, but the position of the sun was too far, and the ice they made using spiritual techniques was too small. Before reaching the sun’s vicinity under the sun, they were directly attacked. It melted into water and splashed their faces. Gu Jingyun was better and farther away, but the ice he formed had also become smaller, and he couldn't hurt the sun at all.

Gu Jingyun looked at Mulin Che with a gloomy expression. How did this Mulin Che do it? Formed into such a big ice dragon...

The attack power is so strong that even the weird sun is scared. The world has changed for the first time. The sun has become intense, the temperature has become hot, and it seems that a little wind has also been produced...

Gu Jingyun looked at Yuan Jingchu. This Lin Jing... is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She doesn't seem to have a high level of cultivation, but her spiritual power seems to be inexhaustible, and she constantly loses to Mulinche...

These two people are hiding very deep!

Although curious, it’s not the time to pursue this. Together, so many of them may not be the opponents of the weird sun. Now it seems that Mulin Che has a chance to hurt it. If it is dragged down, Mulin Che’s The spiritual power is lost, and they have no chance to defeat it. It must be done in one go!

Gu Jingyun took a deep breath. He felt that his talent for water was not as strong as that of Mulin Che, so he walked directly to Yuan Jingchu, "I also give him my spiritual power!"

Gu Jingyun didn't know why, but he would tell Lin Jing instead of Mulin Che. Maybe the two people have cooperated too tacitly during this period. The current situation is the same, and he has a way of talking to Lin Jing. It's the same feeling.

Yuan Jingchu was a little surprised, but still nodded, Gu Jingyun closed his eyes and without hesitation lost his spiritual power to Mulin Che.

It seems that under the influence of Gu Jingyun, several other people also realized that they couldn't attack the sun, so they could only rely on Mulin Che to come and support Mulin Che one after another.

The same is true for Li Xinxin. She had already taken a fancy to Mulin Che. Now that she sees Mulin Che's stronger attack power, she likes Mulin Che more in her heart. Therefore, the look in her eyes when she looks at Lin Jing is even more vicious. . But now is a critical period, she also wants to leave this world quickly and return to the assessment barrier to get the amethyst. As for this eye-catching Lin Jing, it is not too late to find a way to get rid of it after she successfully enters the purple class. In the final analysis, no matter how delicate and beautiful Lin Jing looks, he is also a man. How can the feeling of a woman's nephrite warm-scented body be good for a man? Even if it is for the subsequent double repairs, Mulin Che will definitely choose her instead of a man! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1029 finds the key!) to read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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