Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1054: Let them not even be jealous!

Lynch, Lin Jing...

The people she hates, how come all the surnames are Lin! !

Bai Ranran collapsed extremely.

And there was not much time for her to collapse, because Lynch was angry, and someone almost ruined a very good student. As a teacher, he would absolutely not tolerate it!

Lin Qi's words shocked Bai Ranran's body. She held her breath and did not even dare to swallow her saliva. Holding the pen with trembling hands, she wanted to continue writing, but found that her head was blank and she couldn't write anything at all. ...

In fact, she is not alone. Lynch looked indifferent and dignified. Many people present had heard of his name. The cold-faced examiner in the invigilator, if he caught cheating, don’t even want to participate in the Nebula Conference in this life. Up! However, his strength is very strong. He holds the Nebula Pill Alchemy Bureau, which is very useful. He also has a strange disease that likes to invigorate the examination. He also enjoys the feeling of finding outstanding newcomers in the examination room...

Now it seems that 80% of that handsome boy was taken by Lynch. It is conceivable how bright the future of this boy will be!

The surrounding examinees looked at him with envy. If they were the ones who were fancyed, I am afraid that the whole family would set off firecrackers to celebrate, but like this young man, he seemed to be maliciously overturned and wanted to ruin his paper. , But he can continue to answer the question so calmly...

Yes, answer the question.

Yuan Jingchu smiled bitterly. Originally, fifteen alchemy prescriptions were enough. If she wrote it again, it would be really a bit against the sky, but she was excited for a while and did not stop. She already wrote the sixteenth number. When Lynch saw it again, the invigilator was very enthusiastic to get someone new ink and asked her to continue writing with a kind expression...

He was still standing on the side, watching her write while trying to find the person who had just overturned her ink...

Being stared at this way, the number has already been written, Yuan Jingchu dare not stop writing!

So, in this way, there are several kinds of...

Anyway, it's against the sky, it's better to go against the sky to the extreme, so that those who don't see her good will not even be jealous!

Yuan Jingchu thought so, but calmed down, and continued to write calmly.

Lin Qi originally thought that sixteen types were already the limit, but he didn't expect Yuan Jingchu to write seventeen, eighteen, nineteen...

There is even a pill that he has no impression of. You know, he is the deputy director of the Nebula Pill Alchemy Bureau. Almost all of the spirit grass pill has been engraved in his mind, and now, this young man actually wrote A pill that he had never seen before!

Moreover, looking at the types of steps he wrote, it is clear that they are followed by evidence, and they are definitely not made up indiscriminately...

Lynch was extremely amazed, and his heart to accept this student became even more urgent.

This also means how annoying he is for the person trying to disrupt his future disciple game!

There was no sound around, and Lynch snorted coldly, "Is there no one to stand up?"

Many people couldn't help swallowing. Although they weren't responsible for it, Lynch was so terrible that many people were so scared that they didn't even know how to write...

Bai Ranran was even more stiff, lowered his head and didn't dare to move...

Lin Qi squinted and looked at a boy next to him with a cold tone: "Did you do it?"

The boy swallowed and stammered: "No,'s not me!!"Rebirth Space : Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1054 prevents them from being jealous!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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