Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1516: Mu Jingqing's support club? !

With a "pop", the ball was hit by Asaga!

Asaga ran to first base quickly! !

However, in the next second, the ball was directly caught by a member of the hero team!

Asaga was taken directly out of the game!

Asaga's complexion was very ugly, but he didn't expect it to start so badly!

The Silver Fox team quickly replaced a batsman who seemed to be a rookie. As soon as the hero team’s pitcher had thrown a ball, he swung his stick ahead of time, which caused the spectators to lose the color and went down the field in embarrassment. .

Jolton squinted his eyes and looked at the player area of ​​the Silver Foxes. Although the Silver Foxes are not as famous as the Red Lions, they are actually not bad. How could they play so badly?

Are they playing tricks?

Chorton frowned.

However, even if they play tricks, they just have to see the trick.

The Silver Fox team seemed to be completely out of the game in this game, and the third player was directly struck out!

The first half of the first game ended so vainly, even the audience who bought the tickets were a little upset.

But the reason why everyone is not happy is actually different. The reason most fans are not happy is because the performance of the Silver Fox team was too abnormal in this game. Three players were dropped out in succession. There was no suspense, and it was not exciting at all. . Although the overall strength of the Silver Fox team is indeed not as good as the hero team, they also have a few outstanding...

The reality of Asaga’s show is too bad!

And there are a group of people who are happy for different reasons...

In the auditorium, there was a group of very young women with Chinese faces. They were holding binoculars in excitement. The cameras in their hands were even short-arms. They seemed to be in battle, and they were still talking eloquently. what:

"Why isn't Mu Jingqing still playing? This position is so hard to see him..."

"Ah, ah, zoomed in so many times, the skin is still so good!!"

"My old lady has been chasing the star for so long, but I didn't expect to end up in the hands of a baseball player... But I am willing!!"

"The live footage cut one to our Xiao Jingqing, I can't see his face clearly..."


That’s right, these Chinese girls are Mu Jingqing’s overseas support group. The power of the Internet is so terrifying. Mu Jingqing will come to MLB. A very important reason is that he doesn’t want to go there anymore and there will be people chasing him and watching him. The life of screaming sneak shots in his ears did not expect to go abroad. Although there are not as many such things as before, but they are also quite a few, but they can't restrain themselves any more, and they just didn't chase Mu Jingqing as before. .

But this is also because they have no chance.

After Mu Jingqing arrived abroad, his living space was almost the training ground. The dormitory was also inside the training ground. He could also accept the food inside. So it was almost half a month since Mu Jingqing had gone outside. Anyway, there should be something. He has all the daily necessities.

He didn't go out, and the girls in the support team who wanted to meet him naturally didn't have a chance to see him.

"Chasing stars is really hard work... Stars can be seen on TV at least from time to time. We can only come to the stadium, and we can only see what they look like no matter how close they are..."

Some people couldn't help but complain, but Mu Jingqing's face and his cool football skills still made many girls willingly become his fans.

Offensive and defensive swaps in the second half.

Asaga stood in the defensive pitching position. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1516 Mu Jingqing Support Club?!) to read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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