Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1522: This Mu Jingqing is really annoying! !

Xia Mu Kesuke's eyes panicked.

Jin Zhicheng was also taken aback when he saw that he hadn't hit the ball. After all, he was not at Natsuki's level.

But after seeing his eyes, Jin Zhicheng squinted his eyes thoughtfully...

It doesn't matter if you don't defeat Mu Jingqing, the effect of defeating Xia Mu Kesuke is the same!

After all, Mu Jingqing's redness depends mainly on his face except for those home runs, but Xia Mu Keisuke has long been famous. He also has a certain number of fans around the world, and even Goryeo has his fans... …

If he can be defeated, he can also instantly become popular!

Natsuki Keisuke looked very abnormal in this game, played very poorly, and seemed to have a strange mentality...

Usually he is not confident that he can beat him, but now...

Jin Zhicheng suddenly felt that he might be able to do it!

Jin Zhicheng smiled, and without giving Natsuki a chance to respond, he quickly threw the next ball!

Natsuki's performance was abnormal for a while, and his heart was half cold. Now seeing the ball coming, he swings the baton subconsciously...

This time I hit the ball, but the force was used too much, and the accuracy was not enough. The ball and the bat passed slightly, and it fell directly into the hands of the catcher behind! ! Moreover, he just used too much force, and the whole bat flew out!

He himself was unable to stand firmly because of excessive force, so he just fell to sit down!


After a period of silence, the audience roared with laughter!

The people of the Silver Fox team laughed the loudest, especially Jin Zhicheng. He narrowed his eyes and joked, "Natsumu, don't be too nervous!"


Xia Mu Qijie's face blushed, and he couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't wait to dig a hole next to him and fill it up!

Just when he was at a loss, Mu Jingqing's voice rang, "Stand up and catch the third ball."

"If you are struck out, your career will be ruined!"

The voice seemed to be in the ear, and the tone was very firm, even with some commands.

But the commanding tone made Xia Mu Kesuke react in time. He subconsciously followed the voice's command and stood up, took the bat again, and stood still. He was so calm suddenly that everyone was uncomfortable to continue laughing. They all stopped laughing and looked at Xia Mu Kesuke seriously in the court.

Jin Zhicheng also didn't expect Xia Mu Qijie to react so quickly, and looked at Mu Jingqing with a little dissatisfaction. Even if he broke his plan once, he would come again now? !

This Mu Jingqing is really annoying! !


Jin Zhicheng looked at Xia Mu Qisuke again. Xia Mu still looked erratic. What happened just now seemed to make him question his own strength. He had only shadowed Mu Jingqing before, but this time he was embarrassed in public. After adjusting well, he will have a shadow over the entire game. As Mu Jingqing said, if he didn’t hit the third ball and was knocked out of the game, maybe his career would be ruined...

No, no...

He has worked hard for more than ten years and finally got to his current position. He is the pride of his parents. How could he ruin himself because of this little thing? !

Xia Mu Qijie took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but looking at the ball in Jin Zhicheng's hand, he always remembered the ball that Mu Jingqing had learnt from him before again and again...

I will think of how weak I am and how terrifying Mu Jingqing is...

His breathing became messy again. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Mu Jingqing in Chapter 1522 is really boring!!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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