After ten **** passed, Mu Jingqing's face was a little cold.

It's not that he is in a bad mood, on the contrary, he has some blood boiling.

Since playing baseball, he has always felt that this matter is just pure exercise, which makes him sweat more, which is equivalent to exercising. In fact, it is too easy to win. As long as there is a good team and cooperation, it is impossible to lose. .

So this matter has not been challenging for him. Sports magazines envisioned his future very beautifully and wrote him as the second Karl, saying that he will be the future baseball prince and the next baseball legend.

However, he is not particularly interested.

I was still playing baseball, but I was getting more and more understanding and I was doing better and better, and I came up with the idea of ​​ending my baseball career.

Who would have thought that he had only participated in two or three official games, and he already had such old-fashioned thoughts?

However, tonight Carl changed his opinion.

Mu Jingqing suddenly discovered that although he was talented, he was not invincible.

Under Carl, he couldn't make every ball hit a home run. It was just a good ball. If he deliberately hit a bad ball, would there be a different way of playing that he couldn't find at all? If he is a batsman, is every ball he throws in his grasp and invisible?

Mu Jingqing's blood was boiling, and he suddenly developed an unprecedented enthusiasm for baseball.

But the more this happens, the colder his face becomes, as if he is in a bad mood after losing to Carl, but in fact, he is awkward.

The pig that he didn't like was actually better than him...

This is really unpleasant!

After the ten **** were over, Mu Jingqing dropped the bat blankly, "Swap!"

He wants to see if Karl's shot is so powerful!

It is said that he is the holder of the most home bases in baseball history. He has also experienced several Grand Slams, and his shots are definitely not bad...

Carl stood on the opposite side noncommittal and waited for Mu Jingqing to serve. Then he found that Mu Jingqing was as rumored and used the ten serving methods he had just used. Except for his Carl bowler, he only mastered 70% to 80%. , Other pitching methods are almost exactly the same as his!

However, he still can't be troubled.

After all, these pitching methods are what he is most familiar with, and naturally he has specially studied the cracking methods.

Carl's arm strength is also quite amazing. He has maintained a world record for the number of home runs for almost ten years. No one has broken through it so far. One can imagine how good his technique is.

He hit all of Mu Jingqing's ten balls, and compared to Mu Jingqing's few **** that missed out of bounds, Carl's ten **** actually hit out of bounds!

Having retired as a coach for so many years, it does not seem to affect his performance at all.

After the ten balls, Mu Jingqing glanced at the home run wall and said blankly: "Come again!"

Carl shrugged and yawned, "It's already obvious, you lost."


This sentence is really unfamiliar to Mu Jingqing, he has hardly heard similar words since childhood.

"Come again!"

Mu Jingqing didn't believe it, he would lose again!

Carl smiled, looked back at him, and said, "I'm not your training partner, kid..."

Kid? !

Mu Jingqing's mouth twitched and gritted his teeth. For the first time, he felt an angry mood:

"Old, male, human!!" Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1539, you lost), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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