Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1542: Because, I want to beat you quickly!

Either they are absolutely strong, or they have absolute stamina, or they have to run extremely fast, or they have to be extremely smart, flexible and flexible, or they have to be talented players...

Facts have proved that the people he picked are finally added together, and the team that becomes a team can play stronger than many masters combined!

Before today, although Mu Jingqing's batting and pitching skills were already very good, today he performed better...

I want to know that it was Karl's credit.

Although reluctant, Nuuk sighed and said, "Go to the Red Lions!"

Mu Jingqing did not speak, and Nuke said, "Only with him can you develop better and become stronger."

He was telling the truth.

Mu Jingqing's eyes were deep, he didn't want to be taught by Karl... However, he had to admit that Karl was indeed better than him in this field...

That being the case, why not go?

He struggled all day, but the answer was already clear.

"……you're right."

Mu Jingqing nodded slowly.

He is going to learn Karl's technique, learn better than him, and then... defeat him!

The next day, MLB's talented rookie Mu Jingqing was informed by baseball legend Karl that the news of joining the Red Lions made the news.

Carl was actually a little surprised when he saw Mu Jingqing coming over.

"I thought you would have to wait a while before you come."

Unexpectedly, he figured it out so quickly.

Carl smiled openly.

Mu Jingqing was expressionless, "Do you know the reason?"

Carl raised his eyebrows.

Mu Jingqing showed a rare smile, "Because, I want to beat you quickly!"

Carl laughed, "Well, in that case, let's start early and get on the court!"

Seeing Mu Jingqing on his own training ground, the Red Lions were obviously very surprised, but this kind of digging from the opponent team seems to be not the first time for Karl. Since he has already been in their team, Mu Jingqing is them. Is a member of, so no one has any hostility towards Mu Jingqing.

One month later.

The MLB league game has begun.

The league game is similar to the rules of the football World Cup, except that the game is played by 30 teams in the MLB league.

In the first round, the Red Lions faced another strong team in the league, the Iron Wolves.

As its name suggests, the Iron Wolves have a very fast offense, and can play the same momentum as offensive when defensive, and each of the players is tall and magnificent, and the momentum alone can defeat others.

At the opening ceremony, Mu Jingqing could tell at a glance which team was the Iron Wolves. After all, they were so conspicuous. Everyone looked like a mess...

At that time, he was still passing by with the Iron Wolves members. One of the men with tattoos on his arm looked at him and sneered, "Are you the Chinese kid Carl recently looked at?"

He swept him up and down again, with a mocking tone: "I'm so thin that I can pick it up with one hand... Can you swing a bat? Don't beat yourself out!"

Mu Jingqing turned a deaf ear at that time, completely pretending that he hadn't heard it, the tattooed man sneered and watched him leave with contempt.

"Oriental people are Easterners, and I'm scared if you just warn me... I don't even dare to turn back!"

Adam of the Red Lions next to him frowned, "Just ignore him! He is angry with our coach and angers you."

It turned out that the tattooed man was named Griffin, and he was a loyal fan of Karl. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1542 because, I want to beat you quickly!) to read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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