Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1555: Get out of here!

Wailing Jin Zhicheng even gasped and pointed at Mu Jingqing: "Referee, he attacked me!!"


The referee's mouth twitched, making him a little embarrassed.

Obviously it was the other person he attacked, but he was retaliated by others...

I'm so embarrassed to shout...


"Get out of here!"

Someone directly smashed a mineral water bottle down!

If it wasn't for the empty inside, and if it wasn't accurate, Jin Zhicheng probably would have a concussion!

Jin Zhicheng's face blushed and white. He looked up and thought that he would be a Chinese man who would protect Mu Jingqing. He didn't expect to be a fat-bodied American man drinking beer. He immediately persuaded him and evaded one after another. The water bottle he threw down, Jin Zhicheng was carried into the lounge by his teammates.

Jin Zhicheng struck out. Seeing his embarrassed exit, the silver Fox team's third batsman swallowed. He really didn't dare to make any more messy thoughts, hit the ball obediently, and then was struck out obediently...

The game ended with the Red Lions' victory without any suspense.

The Silver Fox team didn't even have a chance to enter the semi-finals and were directly eliminated.

There was not much time to prepare for the semi-finals, so this time they continued to train as soon as they went back, and did not relax because of the victory of a game.

The second day was the rematch, and Mu Jingqing also began to practice seriously, and it was dark before he knew it.

After entering the Red Lions, their training ground dormitory is no longer as close as before, and it takes about ten minutes to walk there.

Mu Jingqing was sweating on his forehead, walking towards the dormitory in the cool night breeze. When he was approaching the dormitory, he suddenly felt strange...

He looked at the side alley, thoughtfully...

Soon, a few people came out of the alley, all with bats in their hands and their heads wrapped in silk pants, making it impossible to see what they looked like.

These people didn't even say anything, they just hit Mu Jingqing with their bats!

If other people were beaten up in this way, they would be seriously injured without disability, but Mu Jingqing just dodged lightly, avoiding the bat that hit him hard, holding down the opponent’s wrist lightly, and directly The opponent's bat was taken, and then...

One for a bat!

Avoid the vital parts and hit the most painful part of the human body!

Several people wailed and screamed, and those who couldn't stand the beating directly began to beg for mercy.

He drove the kneeling people to the corner, and Mu Jingqing looked at them condescendingly, "Let's talk, who sent you here?"

Several people looked at each other, and one of them suddenly stood up and rushed out of the alley!

Without even turning his head, Mu Jingqing threw the bat back in his hand...

The remaining few people were stunned to see their companion who had just escaped being accurately hit by a bat, and they fainted directly...

This, this person... Does he have a pair of eyes behind his back? !

All of them were dumbfounded, looking at the thin young man in front of them, they couldn't help swallowing...

Mu Jingqing sighed, "Actually, I know if you don't tell me..."

As if he was not worried about their escape at all, he walked slowly to the man who was stunned by the bat, stretched out his hand, and directly lifted the silk pants from the man's head...

The man's face was rubbed by the stockings, it looked very distorted, and then the whole picture was revealed...

"Sure enough, it's you, Jin Zhicheng."

Mu Jingqing squinted his eyes and looked at the few next to him. One of them seemed to be about to escape like Jin Zhicheng just now. When he saw it like this, his eyes widened and he didn't dare to do anything! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1555 Get out here!) Read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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