However, Kim Ji-sung’s family did not do this for foreign audiences, they were more concerned about what the Koreans thought.

This matter has now spread to the Internet, and someone is broadcasting the photo live:

"I just saw Jin Zhicheng's parents, they actually kneeled down with that Chinese baseball player! Oh my God, this is how much wronged you need to ask him... Jin Zhicheng didn't do anything terribly bad, right? It is said that there is no evidence for what he did except the balloon. Besides, isn't Mu Jingqing unharmed?"

Some people from Korea got angry when they saw these photos, "I think it is the Chinese man bullying people! The big country is great, bullying people from our small country! They might even buy the American police!"

"Distressed Jin Zhicheng's family. It is said that they can't even pay the lawyer's fees now. The plane tickets to the United States are paid for them by XX brand sports shoes...It's so pitiful!"

"They all kneel down, this Huaxia guy deceived people too much!!"


Similar comments are fermenting on the Internet. Koreans have a characteristic inherently. They are unwilling to admit that people in their own country are actually bad in morals, and they are more willing to believe that other people must have bullied people in their country. If this person is a Chinese, then Unconditional means that Huaxia people look forward to them!

This is the purpose of Jin Zhicheng’s family. They don’t need to be recognized by people from other countries. They only need to win the sympathy of their own netizens. After they rescue Jin Zhicheng, let him cry on the show and imply that he is a recipient. Framed... It is also a momentary anger to throw a **** balloon. According to the urinary nature of the Korean people, it is estimated that they will sympathize with him and support him more. In this way, the endorsement agreement will not be ruined, even if Jin Zhicheng can only play in China from then on, if they can't get to MLB, their extravagant life can come back...

It now appears that their goal has been achieved.

But they never expected that if other people might be angry or at a loss, but Mu Jingqing just squinted his eyes and suddenly said:

"I didn't want to take it out."

He squinted his eyes and suddenly said something to Coach Carl. Carl's eyes flashed and he didn't know who to call.

When Jin Zhicheng’s parents saw this scene, they suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts. They looked at each other and quickly asked their daughter to step forward and grab Carl, "Coach, who are you going to call? We Zhichengzhen." He was wronged, how could he have done that? He was only angered for a while after being framed and expelled, so that he would do something wrong... But he really didn't poison him..."

Carl frowned, with blue veins on his forehead. Kim Ji-sung's mother said this in Korean, and he didn't understand it at all. He just thought they were chattering, it was really noisy!

"Do you know in a while!"

Carl was impatient and authentic.

Hearing this, some spectators and sports reporters who had been filming here all had their eyes brightened.

They have always known that Kim Ji-sung, a Korean baseball player who has been expelled from the Red Lions command, poisoned Mu Jing-ching. The poison is real. Kim Ji-sung has indeed bought strychnine. It is almost completely confirmed that he did it. There is no direct evidence, so there has been no progress.

But now it seems that Carl and the others have any evidence?

Everyone was very excited, and someone asked directly out loud: "Coach, do you have any new evidence?" Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1565 Kneeling), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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