Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1811: Too eager for quick success

"The reputation of Fukangtang is ruined. From yesterday to now, the turnover of Fukangtang across the country has dropped by half, and tomorrow may be even less..."

"If Fukangtang falls, you will be the sinners of the Lu family! Hundreds of years of foundation... just destroyed it overnight..."

Some elders roared bitterly, completely forgetting that they were the ones who advocated selling the high-grade spirit pill.

Father Lu and Lu Jiajun couldn't say a word at all, Mu Mudi stood there, still not reacting to the inner gap of falling into the clouds.

"But there is really no problem with that spirit pill. I have seen this kind of spirit pill from Muchu Pharmacy. It is exactly the same as theirs, even the breath is the same... how could something go wrong?!"

"Muchu Pharmacy... Muchu Pharmacy doesn't sell high-grade linguine at all, and even if they sell it, they will send someone to personally guide the other party to use the medicine. Maybe... That Stephen, just doesn’t know what this high-grade linguine is going to do. If you use it, you will suddenly die!"

"What can we do? How could we not be cautious in the first place...Even the Muchu Pharmacy was so strict, but we just sold the Lingdan to others, and we directly acted as the shopkeeper... Before selling medicine, we at least still Tell customers how to use the medicine and precautions, but this time..."

The elder shook his head and sighed, "We were wrong. This time, we are too eager for quick success."

Everyone fell silent, "Then what should I do now? It's useless to reflect, now things are so big..."

"Or, look for the provider of the spirit pill?" Someone whispered.

Lu Jiajun's face was a little gloomy, thinking about the waywardness of the eldest lady Yun Miaosha, he knew almost without thinking that Yun Miaosha could not do anything for them. What's more, she didn't refine that spirit pill at all. How could she have a solution? And now...

Everyone is dead.

How to deal with it? How can it be solved?

This matter is destined to be unsolvable. Their Lu Family, the Fukangtang with hundreds of years of foundation...

It seemed that it had to be destroyed by this spiritual pill that was originally thought to be a treasure.

"People's elixirs are genuine, but the blame is that we are eager for quick success and quick profit, not being cautious... alas."

Father Lu and Lu Jiajun lowered their heads, and both had a cold sweat.

Yun Miaosha casually threw them a valuable panacea. They regarded it as a treasure. Although such a major incident had caused the closure of the Fukangtang main store, now that I think about it, Lu Father and Lu Jiajun were suddenly a little grateful. Fortunately, when they saw the spirit pill, they didn't want to swallow it alone, but hand it over to the family.

If they tried to swallow it by themselves, they ate it by themselves...

Maybe it was them who died now.

Although it is not good to think about it at this juncture, Lu Jiajun and his son really have a feeling of aftermath.

Naturally, they dare not say this kind of thought. If they really say it, they are not swallowed up by the lives in front of them?

Everyone was still arguing, but no one was able to come up with a solution. At this time, the chamber suddenly fell silent. Lu Jiajun was taken aback, and when he turned around, he saw that he had only seen him from a distance. The tall figure walked in several times...

The man is tall and tall, has short hair that is very energetic, and is dressed in a Chinese retro-style Tang suit. It seems that he has been in love with this kind of costume since he became the head of the house. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1811 is too eager for quick success), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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