Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1816: What should I reflect on?

As for the pile of things I bought...

She picked some of her favorites and put them in her portable space, and whoever wanted the others would take them!

She Yun Miaosha, has always been a generous person.

Yun Miaosha thought so.

Looking at her expression, Mu Jingqing knew that she didn't even know that she had done something wrong.

"Don't you reflect on what you did wrong?"

Yun Miaosha was taken aback and blinked, "Reflecting? What do I want to reflect on?"

Mu Jingqing took a deep breath, with blue veins coming out of his forehead. His master was probably a really old woman who spoiled her like this. If his son said such things, he would definitely teach him a lesson!

He said blankly: "You just took a high-grade spirit pill and gave it to someone else."

Yun Miaosha was a little innocent, "Is that even if I did something wrong? But, Lu Jiajun was very good to me and bought me a lot of things. I think he should have spent a lot of money. Hasn't the master taught it? Other people’s things...the only valuable thing I have on hand is the spiritual pill...their Lu family also runs a drugstore, so it's just right for them."

"Don't you know that the Lu family are basically ordinary people? You give them, if they eat, you are not grateful to them, but killing them!"

"But didn't they eat it?" Yun Miaosha felt aggrieved when he saw his serious face. "Why are you so fierce? I didn't do anything wrong. The Lu family didn't really eat..."

"But they sold the pill to others! Others ate it and died!" Mu Jingqing's voice became colder and colder.

Yun Miaosha shrugged, "So what? It's not that I gave the man the spirit pill to eat, but he wants to eat it, and he doesn't have the ability to bear it... Isn't he doing it by himself?"


Mu Jingqing found that he didn't want to talk to Yun Miaosha at all.

Closed her eyes with some headaches, Mu Jingqing took a deep breath and didn't want to ask her at all. She didn't feel anything special when Stephen died, because he could see that she really didn't feel guilty at all, and felt that it was all other people. Make your own way.

I never thought that if she didn't throw the high-grade spirit pill to Lu Jiajun, nothing like this would happen...

Watching Yun Jingqi come up blankly, Mu Jingqing said, "Take her away. During this time, the younger sister will live with you."

There is no room for change in his tone.


Yun Miaosha stomped angrily, "I'm not going! I'm going to live in your house! Why don't you let me live in your place... My father clearly asked you to take care of me..."

Mu Jingqing raised his eyebrows, "Jing Qi is also your senior, and I am also his senior. He is obedient to me. Therefore, if I let him take care of you, it is considered that I take care of you. And... I have my own wife. My son needs to take care of you, and there is no time to take care of you. Jing Qi, take her away."

Yun Jingqi looked at Yun Miaosha's gritted teeth, and reached out to grab her hand, "Little Junior Sister, Senior Brother will take you to eat your favorite ice cream..."

When I was young, there was no such thing as ice cream in the mountains, and there was no refrigerator. Master admired nature and didn't let them use those things at all. They even used candles on the mountains. Snacks like ice cream were a luxury at all.

But the little fat guy likes to eat. For a piece of ice cream, he can spend more than an hour down the mountain, buy a few ice creams at the canteen below the mountain, and use spiritual skills to bring it back to the mountain intact...

And give a score to Yun Miaosha. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1816 What do I want to reflect?) Read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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