Unexpectedly, Lu Chenyuan changed his decision without knowing what the person next to him said.

Charles and Mrs. Stephen laughed mockingly, "Eat!"

Father Lu took a deep breath and approached the spirit pill with trembling hands. He looked back at his son with a feeling of farewell and told him with his eyes:

Live well!

Lu Jiajun couldn't help it anymore. How could he just watch his father die for the family? Even if he is going to die, it should be him!

He suddenly stood up: "Let me eat!!"

The six elders next to him held him, trying to explain to him that they could find a way to save his father. His father might not die, but although Lu Jiajun is young, he is not stupid. If it can be saved, then Stephen is How to die? He had taken a lot of middle and low grade spirit pills before, and his body already had a foundation, but his father had never taken any spirit pills before. Stephen couldn't bear it, and his father couldn't bear it even more.

Lu Jiajun rushed forward, but was pulled back. Charles chuckled lightly and slapped his palms gently, "It's a touching father-son family relationship... It's a pity that you made sacrifices, and it's not all the Lu family that made it possible. Other people?"

His faint words made Lu's father and Lu Jiajun hate the other Lu family members.

Yeah, what did they do wrong? !

They didn't have any bad thoughts from beginning to end. The first thing they thought of getting the treasure was to hand it over to the family, in exchange for a higher status and treatment in the family, but now something happened, but the two of them are responsible? ! Why? !

Father Lu is not in a hurry to take the medicine. Lu Jiajun's eyes are bloodshot, and he stares bitterly at the people around him, especially the dozen or so people who were there when they first met the spirit pill that day, "You, you, you... And you... If my father and I are responsible for Mr. Stephen's death, you also need it!! It is you who insist on holding an auction for your benefit and reputation!! You don't care about other people's lives, you care about it. It’s just my own interests! Why are we to die?! Why should my father and I die for your desires and ambitions?! I am not dead, nor will my father die..."

Lu Jiajun stepped forward and snatched the spirit pill from Father Lu's hand. Father Lu's eyes changed a little, and it seemed that he was also shaken.

Yes, they didn't get anything at all, but they must use their lives to be responsible for it. Why? !

After he died, the peace he had exchanged for his life, his position, the power he could have obtained, were all in the hands of other tribesmen! Moreover, they may not take good care of his son, maybe they will bully Jiajun when he is young and take away things that should belong to him...

When there is no him to protect him, how should his Xiaojun live in this big family of cannibals? He is still ignorant, he only spends money every day, he is obviously talented, and he is not serious about studying...

Father Lu’s vacillation made the rest of the Lu family see in the bottom of their eyes, they became nervous, especially after hearing Lu Jiajun’s accusations, they were even more afraid that the person chosen to pay for their lives was themselves...

Charles and Mrs. Stephen looked at each other, their eyes full of sarcasm and pride.

Said to be a big family that has been incomparably united for hundreds of years, but that's all.

After provocating in a few words, he broke up.

Also, it is related to life, who would be willing to sacrifice for the so-called family?

There is only one life for a person. Their father and husband died violently, and they have become orphans and widows since then...

Why can the Lu family just pay a little interest to solve it? Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/103319.htmlRebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/103319/Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/103319.htmlRebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/103319/For the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1820 Provocation), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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