Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1822: All the work done

Mrs. Stephen and Charles actually figured out this matter. Originally, they wanted the Lu family to die one or two too. Although they dragged down thirteen, they might not die. How could they be satisfied?

Can take out thirteen high-grade spirit pills...

They can't even get one out!

It is said that this time Steven’s affair was too much. Even the Muchu Pharmacy, who had been very cautious before selling a high-grade elixirs, also publicly stated that their high-grade elixirs would no longer be available, saying that they were out of stock, but In fact, everyone knows that because of this incident, they don't want to cause death again.

This time, the Stevens family can be regarded as offending some people, especially those who could have bought high-grade spirit pills and knew how to use them.

While cruising among them, they were also under tremendous pressure from all over the world.

Therefore, I originally wanted to make things worse, and even forced China to make concessions to some of their country’s trade terms. Stephen’s death would also have the Lu family and even the China government cut some blood, and then destroy China’s this A national enterprise with hundreds of years of foundation...

But after being under tremendous pressure from all parties, they could only retreat, made some concessions, and even agreed not to let things continue to expand.

However, Stephen's death...someone must pay for it!

Let one of them die, and then mess up the whole Lu family...

They are already cheap!

Unexpectedly, now this **** Lu Family Patriarch is not even willing to pay them a life!

He actually wants to divide it into thirteen equal parts, and if they are dissatisfied, they will come up with thirteen identical spirit pills? !

Both Mrs. Stephen and Charles had ugly faces.

Rather than let all thirteen of them survive, it's better to...

Let one die!

After all, they agreed at the beginning.

However, it is a problem to pick who will die.

Judging from the performance of those people just now...

Charles and Mrs. Stephen looked at each other, and quickly came to the conclusion. Mrs. Stephen pointed to Father Lu and said, "I don’t want the 13 of you to eat... My husband is the only one who died. I think he is about the same age as my husband. ...He also took out the spirit pill, so he will come..."

She was pointing at Father Lu!

Both Lu's father and Lu Jiajun's pupils shrank.

Originally, Father Lu had already recognized the reality and knew he had to die, but what Lu Jiajun said in the middle made him feel a little bit angry. Lu Chenyuan’s words calmed his anger, yes, since things have been with them Thirteen people are all related, so the 13 people should bear the consequences together, and his heart gradually relaxes, thinking that he doesn't need to die, but now...

Mrs. Stephen appointed him again!

Lu Jiajun gritted his teeth, and his calm mood was ignited again. He gritted his teeth and said, "No!"

Charles laughed.

Lu Chenyuan's face was even more ugly.

Originally thought that the matter had been resolved in a slightly better way, that no one would die, and the indignation in the hearts of Father Lu and Jiajun Lu was calmed, but Mrs. Stephen said a word and once again let his hard work be abandoned.

Lu Chenyuan looked ugly, walked over, and picked up the spirit pill, "If that's the case, my patriarch will come to eat it, is it worth your life?"

As he said, he was about to eat the spirit pill, the second elder next to him stared, "No!"

One step forward, he directly grabbed the spirit pill, and in the next second, he swallowed it directly! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1822 was abandoned), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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