Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1831: Get her where she deserves to be!

Yun Miaosha was unable to attack, but was shocked so that the whole person fell back. This time Yun Jingqi did not have time to catch her. Yun Miaosha slammed into the wall firmly, spitting out a mouthful of blood...

"Brother Jingqing..."

Yun Miaosha's face was pale, she never expected that it was Mu Jingqing who hurt her!

Mu Jingqing stood in front of Yu Shengxia, "You should be thankful that you didn't hurt her, you will never have a chance to speak to me soberly!"

Mu Jingqing was too lazy to care about her because of her master's relationship, so she just wanted to get her away from him and Yu Shengxia, not seeing her.

But Yun Miaosha is getting more and more excessive, not to say anything, she actually planned to use the spiritual treasure specially made by the master to hurt people, you know, it is used when facing a much stronger enemy than her own, and her life is in danger. of……

A person who is attacked by this kind of spiritual treasure that has gathered a large amount of spiritual power, even if he is stronger than the attacker, will be injured by the one-time explosion of huge spiritual power. Moreover, because it is a life-threatening moment, this instantaneous The explosion also comes with an enchantment. If it is trapped, if its strength is only slightly stronger, it is likely to be directly trapped in it, unable to escape and die.

Of course, users will also be hit hard, but because they are on the periphery, they will not necessarily die.

This was used for life-saving at a critical moment. Master gave each brother one one, but Yun Miaosha actually used it on Yu Shengxia!

How could Mu Jingqing not be angry? !

He rushed forward to dissolve it, and the strength was back to Yunmiaosha's body. Although there was only a part of it, Yunmiaosha was still injured. Yunmiaosha's spiritual power was instantly messed up, and the blood flowed messily...

She looked at Mu Jingqing in pain, and tears flowed down instantly. Her body was so painful that she couldn't say a word, but her consciousness was very clear. She clearly heard Mu Jingqing's cruel sentence against her. , "Want to be put first? It depends on whether you have the qualifications to be put first! If you weren't the master's daughter, do you think so many people would care about you?"

As Mu Jingqing said, he checked Yu Shengxia's situation in the past, and Yu Shengxia looked at him with mixed feelings.

She didn't expect...

For her, he would even hurt his junior sister...

Doesn't he blame his master?

He did this, regardless of whether he was right or not, then his relationship with his master...

It will definitely not be the same as before.

After Mu Jingqing confirmed that she was not injured, he relaxed and said, "Wait for me at home, and I will be back soon."

Yu Shengxia nodded, "Where are you... going?"

Mu Jingqing said, "Get her where she deserves to be!"

As he said, he walked towards Yun Miaosha, the pressure that was completely released from his whole body made Yun Miaosha retreat unceasingly, and his pupils trembled. At this moment, Yun Miaosha felt the fear of death. If she dared to act like a baby at Mu Jingqing, and arbitrarily accused him of not putting her in the first place, she clearly understood at this moment that he really wanted to kill her! He really wanted to kill her!

Mu Jingqing wanted Yun Miaosha to know this. He didn't have the patience to deal with similar things.

It is his habit to solve it all at once.

He wants to make Yun Miaosha not dare to have any unrealistic illusions about him from now on!

His killing intent and power were so obvious that even Yun Jingqi paled, thinking that he was really going to kill Yun Miaosha, his face turned pale, and he rushed forward to block Yun Miaosha's body: "Jing Qing!! ”Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1831 Get her where she should be!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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