However, she did not dare, naturally others would dare...

Li Shiqing thought about what Lin Xixue and Chen Boyu had found before she came here.

She didn't plan to mess with her family anymore, but she did little things for Lin Xixue and Chen Boyu...

She doesn't mind.

Since they still don’t recognize the reality and plan to die, she will cooperate with them and help them a little...

Their little strength, it is estimated that it is impossible to really affect Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia, it is just to cause them a little trouble.

In the end, it will definitely offend the Mu family even more, but that's their business!

She didn't remind or stop them, just as they caused her to become such an interest!

Thinking like this, Li Shiqing said more sincerely: "I have posted on Weibo without any excuses, admitting that I was jealous of you, so I did this under Chen Boyu's instigation... Yu Shengxia, forgive me, let us go ,OK?"

She apologized too quickly, and her posture was so low, which really surprised Yu Shengxia.

But seeing the attitude of this girl who used to be in the dormitory with a high-handed attitude, always smiling at her, but actually doing the present attitude towards her with jealousy in her heart, she suddenly felt a little dull...

She glanced at Mu Jingqing, Mu Jingqing nodded towards her, picked up Xiao Xiuyan and teased him, obviously leaving the matter to her to solve.

He was really upset when something was interrupted, but...

Li Shiqing was the only one who did the wrong thing from beginning to end. It was not his instructions to deal with the Li family from beginning to end. It was just that the people underneath made their own claims and wanted to please the Mu family. Now seeing the attitude of the Li family is so low, it’s too much. Weak and small, he couldn't even take interest in dealing with them.

Yu Shengxia looked at Li Shiqing, "I accept your apology, this time the matter is forgotten, but... if there is the next time... I will definitely let you not even have the chance to regret it."

Li Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief and left straight away.

As soon as the three of them left, the butler stepped forward and said something to Mu Jingqing. Mu Jingqing nodded, "Let her go!"

He wanted to see, this Li Shiqing has achieved this level, and he brought a miniature camera to think about...

If she wants to die, he will definitely fulfill her without hesitation!

After Li Shiqing went back, the Li family's corporate affairs were no longer hindered. Although it was still affected, it was better than the fact that every link was stuck in every step a few days ago.

Li's father and Li's mother let out a sigh of relief, and repeatedly warned Li Shiqing, so that Li Shiqing was not allowed to trouble Yu Shengxia, and then left.

Although Li Shiqing was not reconciled, she also understood that she was not the opponent of the Mu family. She was a realistic person. After trying it once, she never wanted to try to hit the rock with a pebble again.

Handing a certain video clip to Chen Boyu, Li Shiqing quickly spent a lot of money to find someone to move to another dormitory, and it is said that he started to apply for a transfer.

It’s not easy to change departments at the beginning of school, but Li Shiqing’s grades are not bad, he spent some money, and the department he chooses to go to is the Royal Capital University, which is very unpopular. The school also knows that the unpopular department that cannot recruit a few students every year What happened to her and Yu Shengxia...

Out of various considerations, Imperial Capital University quickly agreed to let her transfer to the department.

Less than ten days after school started, Li Shiqing transferred to the department and left, fulfilling her promise, and never appeared in front of Yu Shengxia again. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1837, let her go), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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