Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1873: At least there is money

They may one day be rewarded by the state because they have so many children...

Mu Jingqing said jokingly, but he didn't know that this happened in the future.

However, they will not stop it. For a woman, if she spends the rest of her life in pregnancy and childbirth, and has no freedom to do other things, then her life will be ruined.

She would never have time to trouble them at all.

Because the video exposed her low-profile appearance, Li Shiqing not only did not receive the sympathy of everyone as she imagined at the beginning, but was deeply despised and ridiculed. Everyone could see that her appearance was simply pretend. Usually so arrogant, when apologizing is very refreshing, and the perspective of the video... It is obvious that the camera is on Li Shiqing. Who would believe that she didn't know?

In other words, she made this video by herself. She wanted to pretend to be pitiful, and once again joined forces with Chen Boyu, intending to use this video to pit Yu Shengxia and the others, but the pig teammate Chen Boyu probably put the wrong video in the wrong video and did not handle it The past video is up, so they can see that her low profile is so deliberately active instead of being forced.

Later, the video became the video that Chen Boyu wanted to put up, which was obviously edited and could not hear the sound. Comparing the two, everyone knows better that Li Shiqing secretly filmed this video for revenge.

It is obvious that she did something wrong, and it is not sincere to apologize. Instead, she is thinking of taking revenge on others by secretly taking pictures...

Such people will be despised everywhere.

Soon Li Shiqing couldn't stay in the new dormitory of the new department. She regretted it too much. She shouldn't have taken a chance to frame Yu Shengxia. Now she has come to this end, even so hard. I couldn't go on to the Imperial Capital University that I was admitted to.

Li Shiqing quickly applied for a leave of absence. She was just enrolled in her freshman year, and it was impossible to exchange. She could only take a leave of absence.

After the suspension of school, she did not dare to stay in China anymore.

The entire Huaxia people knew what stupid she had done, and even her past friends mocked her with contempt.

But at least she still has money.

Li Shiqing finally had no choice but to choose a South Korean school and went to study in South Korea.

Li's father and Li's mother could not lift their heads, but at least since the Mu's last time apologized, their company has not encountered so many obstacles. Although some gossips are unavoidable, they have kept their original lives in the end.

A few months later, Lin Xixue's belly quickly became pregnant. After Chen Boyu was released from prison, he continued to return to the Imperial Capital University to study. Originally, he wanted to suspend school, but Chen's father and Chen's mother disagreed, so Chen Boyu had to go.

At the very beginning, Lin Xixue was moved because Chen Boyu did so much for herself. Later, in order to escape the disaster of jail, she had to have a relationship with him. Marrying him made her feel a little uncomfortable.

In her eyes, Chen Boyu was never a person worthy of her.

But now, she has to give birth to him, and she will have to have another next...

After he was released from prison, he could still enter the Imperial Capital University to continue his studies, but she could only stay at home every day in order to have children...

Lin Xixue hated her current life more and more, especially after some reactions during pregnancy came out, she became even more dissatisfied. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (at least there is money in Chapter 1873), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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