The girl said, shook her head helplessly, "I can't find a boyfriend in my life..."

"It is said that they often stay in the library. Once they did not find a seat, Brother Mu was afraid of the cold on the ground, so he pulled Senior Sister Yu onto his lap and sat..."

"Ah oh my goodness, I really want to see this scene..."

"It's a pity, it's a small corner. Only a senior sister who happened to pass by saw it... That senior sister is a veteran fan in our group..."


Yu Shengxia came over with the food, folded to the next few sentences, quickly found a table and sat down, unable to lift her head.

Although Mu Jingqing was a few meters away, he heard these words clearly, raised his eyebrows, put down the remaining dishes, and looked at Yu Shengxia with the head of an ostrich buried on the opposite side, "There are still dishes I want to eat. ?"

Yu Shengxia said without looking up, "Enough."

There are a few dishes...

He went to get it again, she might be accused by those fans of abusing her husband...

As soon as Mu Jingqing's tall figure appeared, the girls who had been discussing just now were taken aback for a while, one of them yelled out, and the girl next to her widened her eyes and quickly reached out to cover her mouth!

"Brother Mu!!"

The girls were so excited that they, the freshmen who came for Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia, finally saw the real person in the school!

Moreover, real people are more handsome and beautiful than the photos!

The two of them are as affectionate as the rumors are. Senior Brother Mu brought several dishes again. Usually they only eat two or three dishes, but Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia’s table... there are already six dishes... …

Mu Jingqing also gently asked Senior Sister Yu if she wanted to eat other dishes...

Ah ah ah too gentle, too considerate and too sweet! !

A group of girls stopped eating and kept staring at Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia. This is something that freshmen will experience once every year when they enroll in school. After all, sophomores and above are curious about them, and they will get used to them after reading it for a year. Staring at them so intently.

But this time, what they talked about made Yu Shengxia's ears red.

She pinched Mu Jingqing, who was sitting next to her, without picking her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

There was a lot of pampering and teasing in that voice.

Yu Shengxia looked up and glared at him.

He obviously heard...

"I blame you!"

Yu Shengxia gritted her teeth, "I told you at the beginning that the library is a public place and it is easy to be seen by others. You still..."

Mu Jingqing blinked, while gracefully removing the fish bones, then put the fresh fish into her bowl.

"What am I? I remember, I just sacrificed my thigh to let you sit? It's better than sitting on the cold floor in the winter..."

Yu Shengxia couldn't help but glared at him again.

He was ashamed to say that after that...

Didn’t he still kiss her there after that...

Fortunately, the kiss hadn't been seen, otherwise if she had just heard them talking like this, she would have been afraid to sit here.

Mu Jingqing knew that she was thin-skinned, so he only chuckled and stopped teasing her. After eating calmly, the two left the canteen with the attention of everyone.

There are no classes in the senior year, and many classmates have already started looking for jobs. Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia came to the school today, just to confirm the topic of the thesis with their respective thesis supervisor.

Unexpectedly, it was rare to return to school, and found that their stories have once again become the topic of everyone after dinner. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1877 Sitting on the Thigh), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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