Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1879: Can I help you get married?

It is not that he has not used Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia in the past three years. On several occasions, he followed Tang Xiaoxiao and secretly took a lot of photos with them, and posted them on his own circle of friends and Weibo. Many people saw Later, I felt that he was a member of the Mu family. When working with him, he would always take the initiative to provide him with some convenience.

Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia actually knew it, but although they didn't like this move, they didn't think it was too big a matter. As long as Ji Mingjie took a good measure and didn't disturb them.

Tang Xiaoxiao actually knew that at first she was vaguely uneasy, but then she saw that Ji Mingjie’s career had become prosperous as a result. Seeing his triumphant appearance and the improvement of her life, she closed her mouth. , After a long time, I felt that it was just a few photos anyway, and it didn’t hurt Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia. It was a fact that they were playing together, and they didn’t arrange it...

Previously, when Ji Mingjie was just the manager of the security department, it was okay. There were not many people in contact with and basically could not take advantage of this relationship. However, in the past two years, he became the general manager, more and more friends, and the number of times he posted photos. More and more, Yu Shengxia was actually slightly dissatisfied. Therefore, in her junior year, without Lin Ranran, she took courses in other majors and spent more time with Tang Xiaoxiao. not enough.

Tang Xiaoxiao didn’t notice it at all, only that Yu Shengxia was too busy, but Ji Mingjie clearly felt it. That’s why this time, Tang Xiaoxiao was asked to come anyway, and even pushed them away. Booked travel itinerary.

Tang Xiaoxiao came in unhappily, and Ji Mingjie took her along and came over to say hello to Mu Jingqing and Yu Shengxia.

"I haven't seen you in a few months, you are still so beautiful!" Tang Xiaoxiao said sincerely.

Yu Shengxia couldn't see that she was the mother of a child anymore. If she didn't dress simple and had a little pink dress, some people would believe that she was a high school girl.

"you too."

No one likes to compliment themselves, and Yu Shengxia is the same. Soon he and Tang Xiaoxiao went to Lin Ranran with a smile. Du Yuanhao shook his head and sighed: "You all have company. , I'm a lonely... I'm heartbroken!"

Du Yuanhao has often eaten Mu Chu Xiaozhan’s delicacies in recent years. Although he ate a lot, he didn’t get much fat. Instead, he lost a bit. Because Yu Lei and Mu Jingqing who are often together are very restrained. After Mu Jingqing went home and lived, Yu Lei would go to the gym every day. He also ran and jogged with him. Now he is no longer fat and looks normal. It is said that there is a little sister who has a crush on him. He sent a love letter.

However, Du Yuanhao didn't seem to have any interest in the other party. Instead, he ran to Muchu Xiaozhan with great interest every day, starting with Chameleon, as if he wanted to be a chef in the future.

Yu Lei smiled and said, "Who makes you look better."

Mu Jingqing raised his eyebrows, took a group photo with his arms around his shoulders, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Help you get married?"

He was only teasing him, but even if he knew that Du Yuanhao's eyes lit up, "Okay!"


Mu Jingqing was speechless.

Yu Lei laughed directly, "Hahahaha, you play this set with him... don't you know how many beautiful girls he has known because of your relationship in the past two years?"

Although, none of them were won! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1879 will help you get married?) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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