Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1909: Without you (2)

He approached her in a low voice, "I also secretly made an appointment with Ji Sichen... Tomorrow, maybe you can fix him!"

Ji Sichen...

Yuan Jingchu blinked her eyes and was a little dazed. She remembered that she still liked Ji Sichen very much yesterday. Luo Xiaoyu also "weapon" for her, saying that he would take his body off first... then he had to Responsible, you will be with yourself.

Yesterday, I felt a little emotional, and even very shy, but when I think about it today, how come I feel...

So unreliable?

Can she really get the body and his heart? Wouldn't it be so angry and ignore her? Although he must be responsible, and Ji Mu also likes her...

No, does Ji Mu like her?

Yuan Jingchu always felt that something was wrong, why did she suddenly feel that Ji Mu didn't like her, and...

Even Luo Xiaoyu in front of her, she felt that her smile was full of malice?

Maybe... I made a mistake?

Yuan Jingchu shook her head, and shook her head, "Forget the birthday party, my mother is still at home waiting for me to go home..."

She even wants to spend her adult birthday with her parents.

Luo Xiaoyu frowned, "But, I have already made an appointment with everyone in my class... and a few friends of Ji Sichen, who have also made an appointment together... I wanted to surprise you..."

Seeing her embarrassed look, Yuan Jingchu was silent for a while, and said, "Well, but...Ji Sichen matter, forget it, we should just get together and have fun."

I don't know why I was a little upset with Luo Xiaoyu, but she didn't ask her to give her such a "surprise".

Luo Xiaoyu's eyes flashed, and she was a little surprised that she suddenly changed her mind, but she nodded and said with a smile: "Got it!"


On Jingchu’s birthday, in the hotel.

Yuan Jingchu was constantly being filled with wine, and it was a little uncomfortable. Today, everyone doesn't know what is wrong. She has to say that she is the birthday star and must not be drunk or return.

Luo Xiaoyu was still nearby to persuade her, "It's okay, I have opened a room downstairs, and we will sleep in the hotel at most at night."

Yuan Jingchu nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable, and stood up, "I'll go out and blow the hair."

Luo Xiaoyu looked at her and chuckled lightly, "Okay."

Seeing her going out, Luo Xiaoyu glanced at Ji Sichen with an impatient look, and secretly took a glass of "special" cocktail to him, "Ji Sichen, I heard that you won a prize in the last English competition. Congratulations!"

Luo Xiaoyu's eyes were a bit of admiration, Ji Sichen looked at her, chuckled, and took it and drank it.

Within a few minutes, I felt a little dizzy in my head.

She didn't know, Yuan Jingchu suddenly thought that she had to call Lin Manqi so that they would not wait for her. She might not go back to sleep. When she went back to get her mobile phone, she happened to see this scene...

Ji Sichen gets drunk so easily? Didn’t he have a few drinks tonight?

Yuan Jingchu was a little confused, and then she saw Luo Xiaoyu tell everyone, "Ji Sichen is drunk, I will take him to the downstairs room to rest, and I will be back soon."

Then, he helped Ji Sichen downstairs.

Yuan Jingchu only thought it was weird, but if Ji Sichen was drunk, Luo Xiaoyu would do it normally, so he didn't think much.

But soon, she found that it was abnormal.

After Luo Xiaoyu helped Ji Sichen to the hotel room, he came to look for her.

"Jingchu, if you are tired, don't go back... Go to the room downstairs to rest first!" Rebirth space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1909 If you don't have you (2)), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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