Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1918: Without you (11)

Although Yuan Jingchu was very curious about the man she just met downstairs, she thought of the look in the eyes of Tang Ziyan when she looked at Mulinche just now, and that kind of possessive look...

He quickly suppressed his inexplicable curiosity.

Gu Junyuan planned to visit Myanmar because of his business. Anyway, the rough stone was almost bought, so he went with him.

Tang Ziyan had found someone to teach her a lesson, but she couldn't find her at all. She was so depressed, she kept begging Mulinche to buy her another token of love.

But Mulin Che knew of her small actions in private, and his perception of Tang Ziyan became even worse. He didn't agree to it. He originally wanted to protect the aunt, but found that the aunt just disappeared out of thin air.

With a sigh of relief, but also a little disappointed, Mulin Che and Ji Zihang returned to the imperial capital soon.

He wanted to go back, and Tang Ziyan didn't want to stay even more, and reluctantly followed back.

But what she didn't know was that after Mulinche returned, he directly summarized what she knew about what Tang Ziyan had done over the years and showed it to Elder Mu. Elder Mu has always been very proud of his grandson, and knows it well, if not Tang Ziyan really did a little too much. Mulinche might really close one eye because she liked it and married her.

Mr. Mu is very pleased but also helpless. His grandson is too indifferent to emotional convenience. He is not the only thing Tang Ziyan can do, but he has never seen any woman his precious grandson is interested in since he was a child...

But this time, Mulinche had already put on his own attitude, and he looked at the information, the little girl from the Tang family had indeed done something...a little too much, if such a little girl enters the door of their Mu family, I guess Mu's family will never have peace...

Thinking about this, Old Man Mu agreed, and when Old Tang made a joke between Tang Ziyan and Mulin Che, he didn't answer the conversation or just changed the subject.

They were all in the military and political circles, and everyone was very sensitive. The Tang family quickly realized that the Mu family seemed to have different ideas about the marriage of the two juniors.

Mother Tang tried to comfort Tang Ziyan. After Tang Ziyan knew about it, she went to see Elder Mu angrily. She didn’t know what she said, and sent Elder Mu directly to the hospital...

The Tang family knew that they were going crazy, and the affairs of the next two families were completely irritated. Moreover, Tang Ziyan sent Mr. Mu into the hospital with anger. This matter has spread. With such a reputation, where will Tang Ziyan return to the imperial capital in the future? Can you find a good person?

Elder Tang blamed herself even more. His granddaughter was spoiled to such an extent, and he took Tang Ziyan to apologize to Mulin Che and Elder Mu. How could Mulin Che forgive her? Elder Mu's health was already bad, so she didn't even let her see Elder Mu, and let her go coldly.

Tang Ziyan cried directly, but her tears were of no use to Mulinche. He directly threatened the Tang family and would not allow Tang Ziyan to appear in front of his grandfather again.

The Tang family also knew that they were wrong, and tried their best to send Tang Ziyan out of the country, and sent someone to look at her and not let her return.

Mr. Mu was so angry this time, he stayed in the hospital longer, and the heart that was already in trouble was now even more dangerous. Even the doctor didn't recommend Mr. Mu to leave the hospital, so he must continue to stay in the hospital to take care of him at any time.

At this time, Yun Xiuchen appeared. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (chapter 1918 without you (11)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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