Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1925: What if your robbery is each other?

A deep voice rang.

Yuan Jingchu felt that this voice was somewhat familiar.


This voice also appeared in the dream she had the day before when she started to have real memories.

However, she couldn't remember what he said in that dream...

Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky!

Lightning flashed across the sky.

Yuan Jingchu was trembling, looking at the lightning, suddenly flashed in his mind the pain when the thunder struck him that day when crossing the catastrophe, and...

Mulin Che who has been protecting her! !

what happened? !

Why is she crossing the robbery? Hasn't she just reached the foundation building period? The earth lacks aura and is not suitable for cultivation at all. She can cultivate to the foundation building stage thanks to her space.

But now, why did she find that in her memory, she had actually reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe that she could not even think of?

Moreover, when she crossed the robbery, why...

That man...

Mulinche, will accompany her? !

Moreover, he was protecting her, obviously scarred, but even if she cried and asked him to leave, he didn't take a step back, instead he hugged himself tighter? !

My heart throbbed.

this is……

what happened? !

A light flashed across her head, and Yuan Jingchu fainted...

She went back to the white world she couldn't remember that day...

The old but powerful voice rang in my ears: "Do you still want to successfully overcome the catastrophe?"

Successfully crossed the robbery?

Of course I wanted it!

Which cultivator reached the end, didn't he want to successfully overcome the catastrophe and ascend?

Yuan Jingchu thought so, she didn't say it, but the other party seemed to understand her thoughts.

"What if your robbery is each other?"

The voice rang again.

The content of the words shocked Yuan Jingchu.

The catastrophe she wants to overcome is... is Mulin Che? !


Like memories that had been forgotten, suddenly appeared scene by scene in her mind. She recalled all the processes in which she and Mulinche met and fell in love...

It's almost like a dream.

It turned out that she once loved so vigorously!

It turns out that in real life, she already has everything...

The only thing she was afraid of was losing Mulinche...

Therefore, he is her robbery.

But he is also her fate.

If she wants to succeed in crossing the robbery, it means...

She must abandon him, right?

Xiuxian has no desires and desires, but she has never thought that one day she needs to face such a choice!

If she wants to succeed in crossing the catastrophe, she must forget her affection for Mulinche. In this way, they won't meet again and just...

There is no more robbery.

In that way, is she even successful in crossing the robbery?

No desires, no desires, no fears...

Will she be able to ascend?

But in that case, even if she could get endless life and stay young forever, so what? !

Yuan Jingchu began to recall her life in this world without Mulinche...

This world was designed for her by Heaven.

In a world that she wants, almost everything she wants will happen.

Her mother is still alive, Luo Ling cannot successfully seduce her father, and her parents are still affectionate, she is a carefree girl...

Luo Xiaoyu didn't design her to succeed, but instead digged a hole by herself and jumped on her own, and got involved with Ji Sichen...

She succeeded in the entrance examination of God Metropolitan University, and also successfully obtained the space, was able to find spiritual jade, and used the books in the space to make skin care products such as whitening cream...

She has a successful career and everything goes smoothly.


There is no Mulinche. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1925, what if your robbery is each other?) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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