Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1928: In Fanwai Jingxi article, give me what I want?

"Jingxi, happy adulthood!"

Cheng Sihan smiled happily and handed the gift to Mu Jingxi, looking at her eyes as if they were shining.

After waiting for so long, she finally waited until she was an adult!

After Jing Xi saved his life when he was a child, he has always had a special feeling for Jing Xi.

I was ignorant when I was young, so his parents directly made Jing Xi his sister. Although he felt something strange, he was very happy to think that the two would be together forever, and ignored the feeling of something wrong.

After growing up, when he finally realized his feelings for Jing Xi, Cheng Sihan discovered that he had dug a hole for himself since he was a child!

Jing Xi has been treating him like an older brother since then!

Are you still talking about feelings? !

Fortunately, Jing Xi didn't seem to be interested in other boys, except for beautiful girls who could play with her, only him, Jing Qing and Jing Ye.

Doesn't it mean that he is the only man who can play with her?

Then he won't be in a hurry. Anyway, he approached the water tower and opened his eyes to Jingxi. Sooner or later they will be together!

This is what Cheng Sihan thinks, although everyone else in the Mu family knows...

This idea of ​​Cheng Sihan is too naive.

With Jingxi's personality, she might be able to stay awake for decades or hundreds of years. After all, this little Nizi... just wants to eat and play all day long, and has no interest in men or anything. And... She also likes to play with the pretty lady.

Even if Jingxi doesn't practice, she has dragon blood on her body, and her lifespan is very long. I want to wait for her to resuscitate...

If Cheng Sihan does nothing, just waiting like this, maybe when his gray hair is about to die, Mu Jingxi will continue to call him "Brother Sihan"...

However, Cheng Sihan himself didn't realize it.

He only felt that Jingxi had grown up, maybe he could do something to let Jingxi understand his intentions.

Therefore, today's adult gift, he gave a very special diamond ring. Every man can only buy one with his ID card. If he is not an idiot, he can understand what the other person means when he gives such a ring.

However, Cheng Sihan forgot that Mu Jingxi is not an ordinary person!

Her brain circuit is different from ordinary people. After receiving the gift, Jing Xi opened and saw the diamond ring, the corner of her mouth twitched.

"Brother Sihan, there is a jewelry company in my family, I don't lack rings at all..."

Moreover, what is good about a diamond ring? It's just a stone, or a very small stone without spiritual power...

Yes, a diamond ring that is at least ten carats so big is inferior to the most common beryl in Mu Jingxi's eyes!

At least one green spar is dozens of times larger than this diamond, and it is full of spiritual power.


Cheng Sihan watched her take back the ring without any intention of wearing it, let alone the unique logo on it. She only gave it to one person in her life, and she didn't even know it.

Cheng Sihan felt like he had suffered an internal injury, so he could only smile helplessly, "Well then, what do you want? Tell me directly!"

Mu Jingxi blinked and stared at him ill-intentionally, "Really, give me what I want?"

Cheng Sihan suddenly had a bad feeling, and in the next second, he was pushed directly behind him...

Mu Jingxi's group of beautiful young ladies!

The beautiful young ladies smiled around him, "Jingxi, your brother is so handsome, introduce me to be a boyfriend!" Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1928, Fanwai Jingxi, give me what I said you want?) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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