Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1938: Who let him have a good mother


Even if he liked it again, he wouldn't fail to think that he was going to be an attached horse.

After studying hard for more than ten years, he finally got the top prize in high school. His future is limitless. How could he be willing to throw it away for a woman?

Let Xiao Yucheng enjoy this kind of blessing, who will let him have a good mother!

Ye Haoxuan thought so.

Only a few days after Mu Jingxi "worn" over, she has been in the palace these days, and basically no one will come to her Ningxi Palace. The maids and guards under her dared not talk to her except for Zhu Hong. His Majesty the Emperor is too busy, she has not had a chance to see it.

She had met the empress, just to discuss with her about the flower viewing banquet at the princess mansion. The other princesses and princes ran away as soon as they saw her, for fear of being bullied by her.

Mu Jingxi found it interesting. The Princess Ningxi she wore was also a wonderful person, which made her want to know each other very much!

However, there is no person who looks the same as her in this world. Therefore, Mu Jingxi didn't know that there was no Princess Ningxi in this world. She was created from beginning to end, waiting for her arrival.

Now it’s rare to see so many people, and they are all beautiful young men and women. Her "lewd" heart rises up again. Whenever she sees which one looks more beautiful, she remembers the other person, um, this is a Objects that can be developed...

She likes good-looking things!

"Jing Xi, come and sit down." A kind voice rang.

There are not many people in this world who can directly call her "Jingxi", so you don't need to look at Mu Jingxi to know that the person calling her is the Royal Princess.

Mu Jingxi came, and the flower appreciation feast was officially started. Mu Jingxi sat next to the princess and listened to the princess talking to her. He was still surprised that the princess actually talked to Ruan in reality. The aunt looks alike, and because of this, she doesn't have to pretend, and she naturally shows respect for her.

The banquet officially began, and everyone was seated.

Lin Zixi looked at Mu Jingxi sitting here, and crushed a silver tooth.

She can only sit down and can't even speak.

Fortunately, Xiao Yucheng sat opposite her, and since he was seated, he has not seen Mu Jingxi exactly once!

Lin Zixi was a little bit happy, but also vaguely proud.

Hou Yangze was not a thoughtful person at first, but since he noticed that Lin Zixi disappeared somehow, and then appeared with Xiao Yucheng, he became sensitive. Now he sees that Lin Zixi is completely unconcealed and falls to Xiao Yucheng from time to time. The look on his body made his heart even more angry.

Since it is to give young men and women a chance to have contact, the eldest princess will naturally create more opportunities for them. She doesn’t like to engage in poems and composing activities, and she is also impatient to watch these young men perform on stage. The cakes made by Hua'er let young people play by themselves, and left first.

She knew very well that if she was there, these young people couldn't play.

As soon as the eldest princess left, the atmosphere suddenly became active, and Mu Jingxi stood up, everyone was watching her, and he saw Mu Jingxi coming with her beautiful and radiant figure with her golden head. In front of Xiao Yucheng...

Then, passing by him.

Everyone was a little disappointed in their hearts. They thought they could see the scene of this princess Ning Xi taking the initiative to strike up a conversation with Xiao Yucheng. If the cruel princess took the initiative to please Xiao Yucheng, the contrast must be very interesting. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1938 Who gave him a good mother), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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