Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1950: He seems to be more delicious!

Then, she met...

A pair of cold and deep black eyes...

A man.

A man in a white robe sitting by the pool and grilling fish...

She calmly faced her eyes emerging from Shangtan...

If anyone sees this scene at this moment, they will be stunned.

A man sat on a rock, holding a grilled fish in his hand, and calmly looked at the flood dragon emerging from the pool. The huge body of the flood dragon was terrifying, as if it could swallow a man whole with one mouth. The part that came out of the water was at least three meters higher than the tall man, but the man didn’t change his face, as if he hadn’t seen the terrifying flood dragon in front of him...

Mu Jingxi found it interesting.

The human being in front of him... does not seem to be afraid of her at all?

She appeared in her original form now, even if it was herself, she felt that her original form was simply too terrifying and huge for humans, but the man in front of him didn't even pick his eyebrows. She specifically met his. His eyes also found these beautiful and deep black eyes... there was really no trace of fear.

He is really not afraid of her.

"Eat it?"

The man raised his hand to the grilled fish that had just been grilled.

The grilled fish was grilled just right, with just the right degree of burnt, allowing the fish oil to flow out a little bit, plus the seasoning, it smelled...

It's so fragrant!

Mu Jingxi suddenly felt hungry. She obviously ate grapes before going to bed...

However, such a fish is not enough to stuff her teeth!

If you use him to stuff her teeth... it's almost the same.

Mu Jingxi looked up and down at the man in front of him with weird eyes. Well, the face looked particularly in line with her aesthetics. Although it was relatively soft and handsome, with a temperament that looked like a scholar, she was not a mother at all. His facial features were very three-dimensional, although not. To the degree of sharp edges and corners, the overall feeling is very charming, especially those eyes...

Looking at her at this moment, there was even a faint smile in her deep eyes. It was clear that her terrifying dragon head was reflected in her pupils, but she really did not show any fear or rejection...

Um, the height is also over 185 by visual inspection. Although the body wrapped in the robe can't see the figure, whether it has muscles or anything, it is unlikely that there is any fat in this figure...

It fits her aesthetic too much!

She likes beauties, but generally the beauties that fit her aesthetics are females. The only male creatures that fit her aesthetics are those in her family... Or, she admires men according to Mu Lin Che Mu Jingqing’s standards , And the man in front of him...

It's unexpected... It's fascinating.

So it seems...

He seems to be better than grilled fish...

It's more attractive to her.

However, cannibalism is not right, and she is now a dragon, even if people are not afraid of her, it is impossible to have a good impression of the dragon...

Well, she should be more realistic and eat grilled fish!

Thinking about it, Mu Jingxi lowered his head to bite the grilled fish, but was quickly taken away by the man.

She blinked and stared at each other with some dissatisfaction.

The man laughed softly, stretched out his hand, and touched her head...

I am really not afraid of her at all, as if to comfort her as a baby, patted her gently, and said, "I will remove the fish bones."

fish bone? ?

Mu Jingxi was silent for a while.

Well, when she was a human, she was really bad at removing bones, but even if she swallowed them with bones, with her body's ability to digest, nothing could go wrong.

After all, she is half a dragon! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1950, he seems to be more delicious!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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