Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1959: The end of nosy

Mu Jingxi rolled his eyes, thought of Lin Zixi, and asked: "Sanguo sees her mother, but it's for the princess's business?"

Zhu Yu naturally knew about that. There was almost no one else in the queen who could speak, and the only one who could tell the truth was her.

However, there are so many people in the temple now, and there are outsiders...

Zhu Yu glanced at Yu Xingyuan and the others, hesitant to speak.

The emperor frowned, even if Zhu Yu didn't say it, he knew what was going on.

He remembered that a few days ago, Mrs. Xiao came to the Queen’s Palace and proposed to cancel the marriage between Xiao Yucheng and Princess Zixi...

Later, his third sister also went into the palace to meet the queen, crying about her daughter being insulted at Ningyuan Temple, and she might not be able to marry in the future. He promised to investigate this matter thoroughly. At the feet of the emperor, there was a thief who dared to do such a thing to his niece, but the marriage between Lin Zixi and Xiao Yucheng...

He had already made the imperial decree, and he also had a headache for a while, he couldn't take his life back directly, and he couldn't just continue to marry the two of them...

Finally, the marriage of the two had to be postponed.

When will it be postponed, he is still having a headache.

You can't let the two children exceed the marriageable age...

Now that I think of it, in addition to his third sister, Mrs. Xiao has also seen the queen...

The emperor's face is even more ugly. Is it because of this kind of thing that the two of them want to get rid of the queen? !

He gritted his teeth, "Immediately leave the palace and bring the third princess and Madam Xiao over!"

The emperor was furious, and the imperial capital was shocked.

The third princess and Mrs. Xiao were quickly brought up, both of them looked terrified, completely unaware.

But Yu Xingyuan only took a look and came to the conclusion, "It's the third princess."

He looked calm and did not offend the princess's worry and hesitation.

Mu Jingxi could also see that this was the first time she saw the third princess, and she did discover that the third princess was a cultivator. Although the cultivation base only had a foundation stage, it was not difficult to create a small formation.

The third princess' eyes widened. She had already guessed what was going on on the way here, but she didn't expect that there was basically no cultivation in the palace. Someone would actually see what she did... She wanted to avenge Mu Jingxi, but she I couldn't see Mu Jingxi at all, but the queen was easier to see.

The queen has always been in favor of Mu Jingxi, she wants to see, without the queen, can Mu Jingxi live as beautiful as he is now?

So, that day, she made enough preparations to come to the palace, saying that she was crying about what happened to Zixi. In fact, she took the opportunity to set up a formation on the queen's hairpin. She knew very well that the queen was absolutely absolute no matter what. Won't take this hairpin down...

Her plan was successful, and the queen fainted in the palace, and her heart was full of joy.

As soon as the queen dies, she will find a way to support her people in the harem to go up. With a stepmother, she will be able to control Mu Jingxi more easily!

She must make Mu Jingxi worse than her daughter!

But she didn't expect to be exposed so soon...

Blame this man!

The third princess suddenly raised her head and stared at Yu Xingyuan fiercely.

It's just an ordinary person, dare to take care of her affairs! !

She will let him know the end of nosy!

The third princess thought this in her heart, but she kept crying on the surface, "Your Majesty, I really didn't do it. The relationship between my sister and my sister-in-law has always been very good, your Majesty, you know..."

Madam Xiao pressed her lips tightly. Although she didn't like the queen, she never thought about killing the queen, let alone whether she had this ability, even if she wanted to, she didn't dare to think about it. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1959 Nosy Ending), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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