Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1972: She should die ten thousand times!

Yu Xingyuan frowned, and his spiritual sense explored the hall. He had already heard Mu Jingxi's words when he first arrived. How dare this little maid do anything to her bath water? ! This deserves to be beaten, if not to figure out who the person behind her is, he will go and kill the maid directly now!

Since she is now a princess, and the relationship between the two of them has not yet reached that point, he is extremely anxious, so he can only wait outside, wanting to enter the spiritual sense to see her current situation, and is afraid of being caught by her. I found out that by then she would definitely know that he had pretended that he did not have a cultivation base now...

Then she must be angry with him...

No matter what, even if she finds out and makes her angry, he must make sure that she is safe now...

Yu Xingyuan was about to get his spiritual sense into the innermost, when he suddenly heard what Ziqin said next to him.

He had turned a deaf ear to what others said, but she mentioned the princess, and...

The malicious guidance in her words is so obvious...

Yu Xingyuan thoughtfully, last night, she seemed to be the same?

At this time, he stopped the spiritual sense he wanted to detect and looked at Ziqin with cold eyes...

Did it?

"You... seem to have some kind of fragrance?"

He spoke suddenly.

Inside, after Mu Jingxi came out after finishing the order, he heard such a sentence, his face suddenly became ugly, and stopped, her face could not hide her anger.

Why should he pay attention to the fragrance of other women? !

Ziqin probably thought the same way. She bit her lower lip shyly. When she was in front of him, she was specially dressed up, and today she used expensive perfume powder...he, did he smell it too?

A little smug in his heart, sure enough, when he saw the princess's cruel side, he began to notice others...

"Yes, sir, it's a kind of grass called Perilla..."

In the next second, Yu Xingyuan grabbed her hand directly, "Sir?!"

Ziqin was startled, and in the next second, she only felt like a hand slapped her severely!

She widened her eyes, was thrown to the ground by Yu Xingyuan, raised her head somewhat dumbfounded, and met Yu Xingyuan with angry eyes...

"Tie her up!"

Yu Xingyuan looked at her coldly, this woman had the smell of powder in the bath water of Mu Jingxi inside, and it was different from the smell of powder on her body, only her hand had a little... …

This kind of powder can make people's skin itchy, and it is easy to be wrongly judged to be just an allergy. If no medicine is used, it will cause irreversible damage to the skin and ulcerate into the flesh...

How vicious this woman is, she simply wants to ruin Jing Xi's face through the hands of others! Even the skin on her body is vicious enough, and it would not be a pity for her to die 10,000 times! !

Ziqin never expected that Yu Xingyuan would look at her with such a look. Wasn't he always polite? How can you grab a woman so hard, her hand is almost squeezed off! Moreover, he actually fell her to the ground directly...

"Sir... What did Ziqin do wrong..."

She looked at Yu Xingyuan with a pitiful expression on her face.

The other maid also swallowed, and she had already knelt beside Ziqin, not daring to say a word, for fear of suffering from the disaster of pond fish.

How could Yu Xingyuan explain to her, in his opinion, it would be kind for him not to directly smash her into pieces now.

"Mr. Yu... why are you angry?"

At this time, Mu Jingxi walked out from inside. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1972, she should die 10,000 times!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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