Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 1980: It's like being watched by a beast!

Unexpectedly, today, the moment he saw Mu Jingxi from a distance, he turned out to be...

The long-lost heartbeat accelerated.

I can't look away from her at all...

Ye Haoxuan also saw Mu Jingxi, and she also flashed a flash of spirit. Princess Ningxi was indeed beautiful, the gorgeous and luxurious beauty that day, and the elegant and intelligent beauty today...also moved his heart.


Ye Haoxuan sighed.

Even if he was moved to Princess Ning Xi again, and finally got the fame, he might have the opportunity to develop his talents after a few more years. He didn't want to give up for a woman...

His mother was already advocating for him. After Prime Minister Xiao told the old man that he returned home, the new prime minister had a daughter, who was of the right age...

Ye Haoxuan was a bit lost, but this did not prevent him from continuing to admire Mu Jingxi.

"Look, Princess Ning Xi... It doesn't look that bad now, right?" Ye Haoxuan stared at Mu Jingxi intently, and said to Hou Yangze next to him: "Also, I heard that the princess did what the princess did in the past. Those things... are all for a reason. They were sent out of the palace by her and chopped off their hands because they tried to murder the princess... Just cutting off their hands and giving them out of the palace would be cheaper for them, if it were a normal mansion. There are people here who have done such a thing, I am afraid they have been beaten to death by a stick long ago?"


Hou Yangze was silent and did not speak.

In fact, Ye Haoxuan didn't even say that he knew that during this period of time, as Mrs. Xiao's affairs spread, other things also spread...

For example, Mrs. Xiao actually arranged people in the princess’s Ning Xi Palace and the Queen’s Palace. The third princess was the same. She had seen Princess Ning Xi displeased for a long time. There were also people who tried to murder Princess Ning Xi. One of their feet.

Princess Ning Xi's handling of these maids and guards seems cruel, but if you change individuals, such as them, they might be more cruel than her...

Moreover, I don’t know if Princess Ning Xi knew it was Mrs. Xiao and the third princess. In order to take care of the overall situation, she did not say these things, and she has been enduring the judgments of her vicious reputation...

Hou Yangze felt more and more during this time that he was really blindfolded before.

He only saw what he wanted to see, and only saw what was on the surface, so he came to a conclusion...

Such him, on the battlefield, is impossible to win the battle.

Madam Hou and General Hou also waited for the opportunity to teach him a lesson, especially after knowing that Hou Yangze liked Lin Zixi before and even criticized Princess Ning Xi in public for her...

Mrs. Hou's words made Hou Yangze more and more aware of the **** and violent princess in the legend.

He looked at Mu Jingxi's eyes getting more complicated, watching her smile like a flower, triumphantly guessing one lantern riddle after another, and sending the lanterns to the man next to him. The man took it in splendidly, and his gaze did not move. Open her...

He is envious.

If the person with her at the moment is him, if the person who receives the lantern from her is him...

He must be the same as that man, too happy to open his eyes, right?

But at this moment, the man looked away from the spotlight and glanced in their direction.

It was just a glance. The eyes of the man who was originally gentle and jade were even more terrifying than the **** soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

Hou Yangze was also a blood-stained person. In addition to his father and his father’s several generals who had killed hundreds of enemies, he had this feeling for the first time in front of other people. Kind of feeling...

It's like being watched by a beast! Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1980 is like being stared at by a beast!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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