Well, it’s just an engagement anyway, not just getting married right away...

Mu Jingxi thought so, and as soon as he looked away, he saw the emperor and the queen staring at her, with questions and inquiries on their expressions.

They spoiled Jing Xi, and when Xiao Yucheng's things failed before, they still felt that they shouldn't have gotten her fingertips into marriage before she grew up. Isn't this cheating their own daughter? Therefore, when the marriage with Xiao Yucheng was terminated, they had already promised Mu Jingxi that her marriage must be approved by her. Even if Jing Xi can't meet someone he likes in his life, will they still be unable to support her? As for other people's gossip? As long as Jing Xi is the most favored and most powerful princess in her life, they dare not speak out in front of her.

However, having said that, they still hope that Mu Jingxi can find someone he likes and stay with him for life.

Unexpectedly, she just fell in love with Doctor Yu just after the marriage contract was dismissed.

Having said that, Jing Xi was able to meet Doctor Yu, thanks to the dissolution of the marriage contract. Although Mrs. Xiao framed Lin Zixi as a result of the dissolution of the marriage contract, the third princesses had a terrible attack on the queen, but because of this, they invited them. Jingxi can only get to know Yu Xingyuan when the doctor Yu enters the palace.

The queen was very relieved, especially when she saw Jing Xi bit her lower lip and nodded her head blushing, she felt even better.

Looking at Yu Xingyuan excitedly, the Queen had already treated Yu Xingyuan as her son-in-law.

Seeing Mu Jingxi nodded, Yu Xingyuan's eyes became softer. The eyes staring at Mu Jingxi almost filled with water. After Mu Jingxi nodded, he felt his face warm up, but subconsciously thought. Seeing his reaction, as soon as she raised her head, she met his focused and eager eyes, and her gentleness made her body tremble...


I don't feel a bit disadvantaged.

If you can keep watching with such eyes...

Being shy was only temporary, and Mu Jingxi quickly adjusted his mood, lowered his head and smiled.

The emperor and the queen looked at each other, retreated outside in a tacit understanding, and went for a walk in the imperial garden.

"This is the first time I have seen Jing Xi show such an expression... Mr. Yu is really amazing." The queen couldn't help laughing.

The emperor nodded, but he thought about something else, "You said, why should we Feng Yu? Jing Xi can't marry a commoner..."

"This is a problem... Mr. Yu doesn't want to stay in the palace either..."

The two seriously considered the two young ones.

In the hall, the attendants also went down with wintry, and only Mu Jingxi and Yu Xingyuan were left in the inner hall.

Yu Xingyuan wore a white robe, just as Mu Jingxi saw him by the deep pool that day...

With a temperament of Tsinghua, a bit less cold and lonely, he stood there, his eyes soft and scorching, looking at her intently...

Suddenly there was a heartbeat.

Mu Jingxi stepped forward and hugged him gently!

Yu Xingyuan satisfactorily embraced her who had been longing for so many years, cautiously, not daring to use too much force, as if he was afraid that she would be crushed by too much force...

"Who asked you to propose marriage so quickly..." she complained, but the corners of her mouth were full of smiles, and she couldn't see any reluctance.

Yu Xingyuan's throat moved, and his voice was muted, "If you don't hurry, I'm afraid...you will be snatched away by others."

Mu Jingxi was amused, "Mr. Yu, you have to have confidence in yourself."

Yu Xingyuan smiled and patted her back, "I can't be too confident with you..." Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/103319.htmlRebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/103319/Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/103319.htmlRebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/103319/For the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Nodding in Chapter 1989), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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