After Mu Jingye dropped a bomb, he left directly, leaving Jing Xi with a look of bewilderment.

It didn't take long before Yu Xingyuan came over.

Jing Xi looked at him with an unpredictable expression. This person... is hiding very deep in front of her?

Up to now, she doesn’t know what realm he is, whether his true identity is really that of a genius doctor who has lived in this world for 20 years. If he is really a disciple of a genius doctor who has been around for 20 years, then why? In the past two decades, people only knew the genius doctor himself, and no one had ever said about him? Obviously, his medical skills are not lost to others.

Facing her probing eyes, Yu Xingyuan didn’t change her face, looked at the food on the table, picked up the chopsticks very naturally, removed the fish bones for her, put the fish in her bowl, and silently placed the food on one of the plates. I picked out the celery and ate it, and naturally left the rest of the meat to her. After taking a sip of the soup, it seemed that the temperature of the soup was a little bit cold, so I naturally moved forward and placed it on the side of the small pot, directly using spiritual power to put the pot. Heat up again...

Jing Xi raised his eyebrows.

She was only enjoying his service before, but now she realized something was wrong.

Yes, how did he know that she likes to eat fish and is very bad at removing bones? He also knew that she did not like to eat celery. The original Princess Ning Xi ate it, so Vermilion made this dish, but she never touched it. The temperature of the soup in the pot is just right now. Too cold and not too hot, it is the temperature suitable for the entrance...

She enjoyed his service very naturally, but she didn't stop thinking in her heart.

He...could it be that he knew her a long time ago? How else would you know these habits of her? It is impossible to observe meticulously. From the first time he grilled her fish, whether it was a human or a prototype...he removed her bones. Moreover, today is also the first time she has celery on her table, and he should have seen it for the first time...

Could it be that as Jing Ye said, he belongs to their world, so he...had known her a long time ago?

But why, she has no impression of him at all? He looks so good-looking, so fits her aesthetics, she can't remember...


Jing Xi suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked at Yu Xingyuan, thoughtfully...

Why did he grill her fish and remove the bones when she appeared in front of him for the first time?

Could it be that he knew that was her true form? !

If this is the case, it is impossible for him not to be scared, she is not a normal human being, she is a dragon!

It's fine to see that the dragon is not scared and has no bad thoughts. If he still knows that she is the dragon, how could he still not respond?

Jing Xi wanted to try it out.

Therefore, after eating, Mu Jingxi smiled at Yu Xingyuan slightly, "When I am son tonight, I will look for you."

Without asking her why she had to make an appointment so late, Yu Xingyuan just smiled and nodded, "Okay."

The more he was so calm, the more Jing Xi wanted to make him change his face.

Originally just wanted to test him, but now seeing his expression, Jing Xi suddenly thought about it and wanted to scare him!

So, at night, when Yu Xingyuan was grilling fish by Xingyue Lake, he saw an abnormal big wave suddenly surging from Xingyue Lake next to him, and then...

A dragon came out of the lake!

Eyes bigger than copper bells, big mouth that can swallow his whole person with one mouth, grinning towards him...Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! Latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1996 scared him!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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