Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 829: Weibo exploded

"What live broadcast, what criminal case..."

Tang Ziyan's eyes widened, unable to react at all.

"You can do it yourself!"

The agent over there hung up.

Tang Ziyan looked at the phone in disbelief and redialed back, only to find that he couldn't make the call. He actually pulled her into the blacklist!

He doesn't want to be mixed up, right? ! Change agent, she must change agent! !

But Tang Ziyan did not expect that she could not even get through the phone number of the assistant and the driver. She called the boss of the company, but the boss did not answer. She angrily opened Weibo, planning not to renew the Weibo with the original company, but found My Weibo has exploded!

The top three hot searches are her name, and there are still several hot searches all about her when you scroll down!

"Tang Ziyan Murder Case", "Tang Ziyan Live", "Tang Ziyan Yuan Jingchu"...

All these hot searches have exploded! !

She stared wide-eyed and watched @ her Weibo constantly, with a bad premonition in her heart...

Sure enough, when she clicked on one of the hot searches, Tang Ziyan looked at the content above, as well as live footage and screenshots that she didn't know, her fingers trembled...

She, she obviously didn't live broadcast? ! How could the scene of her and Yuan Jingchu being together just now be broadcast live? ! must be Yuan Jingchu! ! It must be designed by Yuan Jingchu! !

This woman is so vicious. She must have known that she got Eisen's endorsement, and she was afraid that she would surpass her, so she used this method to quickly pull her into hype! ! It must be like this...

Yes, Essen’s endorsement...

It doesn't matter if the company doesn't renew her contract, and she must not lose her endorsement! !

Tang Ziyan trembled, and quickly called Alison, but she didn't answer the call twice. She was so anxious that she was going round and round, but at this moment, she saw Alison's car coming out!

Tang Ziyan had almost lost her mind, she rushed to the car frantically and directly stopped the car with her hands open!

The driver cursed, but still stepped on the brake.

Tang Ziyan rushed to the side of the car window, knocked on the window, and looked at Alison inside and explained desperately: "Alison, listen to my explanation...The things on the Internet are all fake, I was designed by someone! It’s all Yuan Jingchu, she designed me..."

When she was halfway through, she saw Alison pulling down the car window and looking at her, "So what? Miss Tang, are things on the Internet true? What does it have to do with me?"

Tang Ziyan was stunned, staring blankly at Alison wearing sunglasses, "But... I am... I am the spokesperson of Ai Sen..."

Alison raised his eyebrows, as if he had heard about it for the first time, and looked at her, "Spoker? When did it happen?"

Tang Ziyan was silly all of a sudden and looked at her in disbelief.

An hour ago, she watched the show closely with her. The suit on her body and the whole set of Aisen's jewelry she wore, didn't she give them all? !

She also said that when their contract with the original spokesperson expires in a week, she will be announced as the global spokesperson for Essen...

Are these all fake? !

Alison looked at her eyes as if he was looking at a stranger!

Yes, they haven't signed the contract yet... She is too stupid. She has been appeased by a set of jewelry and an admission ticket for Adele's conference these days, thinking that Aisen's contract is a certainty!

Alison looked at her and chuckled softly, "Miss Tang, don't think about Aisen's endorsement anymore, first think about how to solve your own problems..."Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 829 Weibo exploded), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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