Ghost was on the Internet every day. After learning that Yuan Jingchu fainted and was sent to a doctor, he quickly contacted him.

Joanna is an ordinary person. When Yuan Jingchu fainted, the first thing she thought of was to send her to the hospital, but the ghost knew that Yuan Jingchu was not an ordinary person. It is very likely that her fainting was not the cause of ordinary people's fainting. The hospital estimated Can't find out, and can't help her.

So he contacted Mulin Che directly. Mulin Che hurried over and stopped the ambulance. Under the opposition of Joanna and the medical staff, he forcibly took Yuan Jingchu away...

Fortunately, nothing happened to Yuan Jingchu, even...

She seems to be breaking through.

She must not be disturbed by the outside world during this critical period, otherwise she may become confused.

Yes, that stone...

Yuan Jingchu's eyes lit up, "Where is that stone?!"

"You mean... this one?"

Mulinche took out a stone, its shape and size were the same as Yuan Jing’s initial impression, but the color... has become dull and dull from the previous water blue, just like...

Just like an ordinary stone.

Mulinche said: "When you were in a coma, you kept holding this stone in your hand, and then you let it go. It has lost all its aura, so you will let it go."

"Aura..." Yes, she felt it before. The energy contained in this humble stone is unprecedentedly huge...

A piece of jade as big as it, no matter how good the water head is, the energy contained in it is very limited, even one-tenth of, one-hundredth.

After listening to her, Mulin Che was also thoughtful. He had never seen such a stone on the earth.

It stands to reason that with the current human urine properties, as long as it is a colored stone, its function will definitely be developed, even if it is only used as an ornamental stone. However, this kind of stone has never been seen in the market...

This stone is simply not like it belongs to their world!

This guess made Mulin Che's heart tense.

He has checked Tang Ziyan's affairs, and even understands it in great detail.

It can be said that from the moment she hit someone to death, she stepped into the trap of certain people. The purpose of those people did not seem to use her to deal with Yuan Jingchu, but rather... The stone was sent to Yuan Jingchu, even...

Those people also gave Yuan Jingchu a big gift!

Yuan Jingchu hadn't thought of this yet, she only studied the stone, thoughtfully.

"I think... this stone is like a container, a container that can hold a lot of aura! Thinking about it this way, is it the same principle for jade? They absorb the surrounding aura to become jade..."

Moreover, the more inaccessible places, the easier it is to produce jade mines...

Mulinche smiled, "It makes sense, but... these are not important now, you just woke up, don't think about it, take a good rest."

Yuan Jingchu nodded, but closed his eyes, but couldn't fall asleep.

Mulin Che went out to call, which made Yuan Jingchu feel strange. She thought that at this time, Mulin Che would not leave her for a step...

Carefully converging all her breath, Yuan Jingchu approached the balcony of the study where Mulin Che was, and heard him say to the person on the other end of the phone:

"Yes, my wife said that she fainted has nothing to do with Tang Ziyan. Yes, you just need to follow the procedure."

Tang Ziyan? Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Collection" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 836 Weird Stone), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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