Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 861: What a trouble!

The gun with silencer still had a certain sound. This sound was quite familiar to Lin Zekai who had been in the army with Mulin Che. His expression changed. He stood up and was about to rush to the business class, thinking of Mulin. What Che had just hinted to him, suddenly stopped again.

In the business class, Mulin Che leaped neatly, avoiding the bullet accurately, turning over in the air, and kicking his foot directly on the robber's neck!

The robber's neck squeaked, spit out a mouthful of blood, his fingers subconsciously pulled the trigger again, and another bullet shot out...

There was a sound of footsteps in high heels, and Mulin Che was stunned, and saw Aisha walking towards them, facing the muzzle!

Aisha had just come to the bathroom and talked to Mulinche by the way. She was not an unattractive woman. It was a problem with his sexuality. She had to mock him.

I didn't expect to walk over, and I saw a gun facing her with a black hole in the muzzle, and a bullet shot at her! !


Aisha couldn't react at all, her whole body froze there, her eyes widened in horror, and she watched the bullet shoot towards her!

In the next second, she only felt the scene in front of her turned upside down. The man who made her feel good rushed over and threw her to the ground without hesitation!

The bullet went into the first-class cabin and hit the dining car pushed by the stewardess.

No matter how stupid the passengers in the first-class cabin were, they also noticed something was wrong at this time. Some screamed in horror, and some rolled out of their seats.

Mulin Che heard the screams and looked at Aisha with a headache. Why did she come in just then? It's all right now, it just shocked the people inside...

But he got up quickly, ignoring Aisha, and went straight to confirm the situation of the robber, and made sure that he had lost his breath, so he dragged him aside without hesitation and pulled out the gun and bullets on his body, neatly. After confirming the number of bullets remaining, he looked around vigilantly.

The two people in the economy class looked at each other, and one of them came over with a gun...

Aisha watched the robber coming with a gun from a distance, trembling all over, unable to move even if she wanted to move.

What a trouble!

Mulinche glanced at her, "If you don't want to die, hide in the corner!"

His eyes are really cold, no man would ever look at her with such eyes, let alone a man...

Can kill a robber so cool, so simply, and... fly over and save her!

Aisha calmed down slowly, took a deep breath, and carefully hid in the corner of the business class, blocking herself with a passenger briefcase, not daring to make any noise.

The robber in the economy class approached silently. This person was very safe. When he approached the business class side, he even pulled a person in front of him to keep himself out of the air!

The passengers who were unlucky enough to be dragged were so scared that they were almost urinating. He was forced to walk forward tremblingly, praying that the people in front would never shoot. He really didn't want to die so wrongly.

Mulinche knew what the robbers did from his spiritual sense and frowned. He was already ready to shoot. He didn't expect that the other party had temporarily captured the hostage. He couldn't guarantee that he would not hurt the hostage... It seemed that he couldn't use a gun anymore.

If other people's actions may be affected, Mulinche won't, because he is not an ordinary person. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 861 is really troublesome!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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