Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 876: Tonight, you sleep in the study room!

Although he and Yuan Jingchu did not meet during this period, they talked on the phone every day.

She was taken by Elder Mu to Elder Shen's place, used two pills to save Elder Shen, and even made her body younger for ten years... She was also taken as a goddaughter by Elder Shen, he knew all these things.

He also knows very well that this matter is not airtight, someone will always know.

This is not a bad thing. In this way, Jingchu has a few more layers of protection, whether it is the relationship with the Shen family, or her miraculous pill, it can make others jealous of her.

Although the Chen family moved to the next door to the Mu family, the relationship with the Mu family has always been polite on the surface. After all, the Chen family can even vaguely stand in another faction. Han Zichuan is one of Chen Xuan’s father’s subordinates. . I believe that if this kind of relationship is not really needed, he would not seek Yuan Jingchu here.

"Who are you asking for medicine for?" Knowing the purpose of Chen Xuan's arrival, Mulin Che went straight ahead.

The Tao of Chen Xuan: "Lin Zixu."

"Lin Zixu?" Mulinche frowned. He didn't expect that he would say such a name. This person should have nothing to do with the Chen family...

"From the Lin Family in Gangcheng?"

"Yes." Chen Xuanzhi nodded.

Mulin Che looked at him, really puzzled. Chen Xuanzhi is a soldier, how could he get mixed up with the Lin family in Gangcheng? You must know that the Lin family had been a gangster until the return of Hong Kong City, and then slowly became a bodyguard company and film and television.

Chen Xuanzhi was silent for a while, "Lin Zixu saved my life."

So, it's no wonder that he would ignore the vaguely antagonistic relationship between the two and find them...

Mulinche thought for a while, "Okay."

Chen Xuanzhi's eyes lit up.

"Jingchu can help you, but..."

He needs to pay something.

Naturally, there is no free dinner in this world.

Chen Xuanzhi nodded quickly, "This is natural!"

Listening to Chen Xuanzhi's description, Lin Zixu's illness is not serious, and he can also be saved with a Huanyan Pill.

Yuan Jingchu directly gave him a pill, and then ignored them.

"Let's go, that plane...what the **** is going on?" In the evening, Yuan Jingchu had already dried her hair and asked Mulin Che when she saw her coming out of the bathroom.

Mulinche sighed, wiped her hair and walked over, pressing her hands on the table behind her, leaning over, her soft lips printed on her lips, she licked and kissed, her voice hoarse, "Wife, no see for a day," If it's been three autumns... it's been so long, so do you care about the unimportant ones?"

Yuan Jingchu unceremoniously pushed him away, "If you don't say anything, don't even want to touch me!"

He sighed, sat down, and put her in his arms, "Well..."

After telling the story of the matter, he concealed the fact that he was almost rioted on the plane. Yuan Jingchu listened and couldn't help but glared at him, "So, you saved the entire plane? But almost died?"

"Not dead, just injured. And you see, am I not doing nothing right now?"

"There is a dragon in your body, you really think of yourself as a dragon, don't you?" Yuan Jingchu was still angry.

Mulinche touched his nose. After all, he was a member of the army. Although he did not join the army afterwards, he could not give up the lives of more than 300 people and just care about himself...

Yuan Jingchu can understand naturally, but...

This does not mean that she will not be angry.

"Tonight, you sleep in the study room!" Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 876 Tonight, you sleep in the study room!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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