Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 881: I give you a choice

It's just that the phrase "to be kicked out" pierced his heart, and he stopped struggling immediately and was embraced obediently.

Unexpectedly, once inside the house, Yuan Hongyi looked at him and said coldly:

"I will give you a choice."

He said, "Either stay, and be my son, and you won't know her from now on. Or...follow her and have nothing to do with my original family from now on!"

The driver beside him widened his eyes, swallowed, and did not dare to make a sound.

Luo Ling's eyes widened too. She was very surprised just now, thinking that Yuan Hongyi was willing to let her in, because he was softhearted to her. He didn't expect to hear him say such things as soon as he came in!

The look in his eyes...

Luo Ling's heart trembled. It was different from the hatred and angry eyes when he knew that Yuan Yong was not his own son. Now Yuan Hongyi saw her eyes are cold, cold to the bone, which made her feel...

He really regarded her as a stranger!

This time... it's true! !

It's different from any time...

No, no...

It took her most of her life to climb such a cash cow with great difficulty. How could she just lose it? !

And Yuan Yong...

She looked at Yuan Yong tremblingly. Yuan Yong was taken aback, pushed her away without hesitation, gave her a cold look, and walked towards Yuan Hongyi.

Yuan Hongyi's eyes were still cold, and he said to Yuan Yong: "You can stay if you want. But you must know a few things..."

He looked at Luo Ling intentionally, and said slowly: "In the outside world, you are still the son of my Yuan Hongyi, and you are still the eldest master of the original family. You can enjoy everything that the original family provides, but... if it were me I found out that you gave even a penny to other irrelevant have to be swept out by me! Also, the original young master's life is only until you are eighteen...after you are eighteen, you will You must leave the original home to live. I will not give you money. You have to survive on your own. In the end...everything in the original home will not be yours in the future. I have made a will...all the things in the original home... It will be Jingchu."

"Do you understand what I said?"

What Yuan Hongyi said did not seem to be to Yuan Yong, but rather to Luo Ling.

Luo Ling listened carefully to his words and couldn't believe what he said.

She thought that he was willing to keep Yuan Yong because he had feelings for Xiaoyong. Even if he couldn't get all the property of the original family in the future, he would have at least half of it? Even one third is fine!

But now he actually said that he has made a will and left everything to Yuan Jingchu? !

What about her? ! Where is her Xiaoyong? !

Do they have nothing? !

Luo Ling suddenly became anxious, "Hongyi, you can't do this..."

Yuan Hongyi waved his hand, and the two bodyguards immediately stepped forward and directly controlled her.

Luo Ling was still cursing, his mouth was directly gagged.

Yuan Hongyi didn't even look at her, only stared at Yuan Yong. Yuan Yong grabbed his throat and wanted to speak. After struggling for a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "Ming...Ming...Bai."

Yuan Hongyi nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, then you decide now. If you want to go with her, I will never stop you."

Yuan Yong didn't even look at Luo Ling, and tried very hard to make himself sound, "'t leave!"

Yuan Hongyi looked at him and seemed to be sure of his firmness.

Yuan Yong's eyes flashed with fire, and he nodded heavily, "Dad, Dad...Dad..."

Yuan Hongyi turned aside, and did not respond. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 881 I will give you a choice), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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