Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 884: Jingchu, sorry

Yuan Hongyi didn't realize that the lady of manners was her, he didn't even look at her at all.

After Luo Ling made sure that he had drunk the water, he left without hesitation.

But she didn't know that Yuan Hongyi only drank two sips of water. In such a place, they would not drink much water.

So he even persisted until the end of the contract, and then suddenly fainted after walking out and was sent to the hospital.

Although it was only two mouthfuls, it contained not a lot of amounts. Yuan Hongyi's body was greatly damaged, and the doctors concluded that he could not survive.

Therefore, Yuan Hongyi's lawyer rushed over and even notified Yuan Jingchu and Yuan Yong.

This was what Yuan Hongyi had ordered before, and if he had any accidents, he would do it directly according to his will.

But they all thought that this matter would have to be at least ten years or more in the future.

I didn't expect the accident to come so quickly.

No, maybe it wasn't an accident.

This is obviously poisoned by someone. The biggest suspects are just a few, and the part-time ceremonial lady who appeared temporarily, Luo Ling, disappeared after that and couldn't be contacted. She was worried that the police could not find her. She was identified as a suspect in the first place.

After Luo Ling succeeded, she went to Yuan Yong as soon as possible. She had to let Yuan Yong know that what he was about to get was what she got for him! If he reads out the will afterwards, if he doesn't get anything, she can definitely help him! The premise is that he must admit that he was born to Yuan Hongyi and her!

But as soon as Yuan Yong heard what she said, he went crazy and rushed out irrationally. A car happened to rush from behind!

Luo Ling screamed, Yuan Yong was knocked into flight before he could react...

Two hours later, Yuan Jingchu arrived at the hospital and looked at Yuan Hongyi in the intensive care unit with complicated eyes.

"He is still breathing, but... the doctor said it won't last long." The lawyer who contacted her told her dutifully.

Yuan Jingchu took a deep breath, "Can I go in and see him?"

"Of course." The lawyer said.

Yuan Hongyi woke up just now and said to him with difficulty that he wanted to see Yuan Jingchu.

Yuan Jingchu entered the intensive care unit with a complicated mood. Looking at Yuan Hongyi who was pale on the bed, he seemed to be in a coma again...

Along the way, she reviewed many things with Yuan Hongyi, and finally she discovered that the things she hated him before, it seems that she doesn't hate him anymore.

In this life, he has not let Luo Ling in, nor let Luo Xiaoyu take her position, he is worthy of her...

Yuan Hongyi seemed to feel that she was coming, his eyelids were shaking, and he tried to open a slit. When he saw her, his eyes flashed...

His lips quivered, as if he wanted to say something, but at this moment, it seemed that even speaking had become very difficult for him. In the end, he only said one sentence, "Jing...chu...yes, yes...sorry..."

Yuan Jingchu's heart trembled.

Taking a deep breath, her nose was red, but she still resisted crying.

She smiled hard and held his hand, "If I really feel sorry for me... just survive..."

Yuan Hongyi just looked at her, smiled, and seemed to feel tired again, he slowly closed his eyes again...

Breath has also become weak.

Yuan Jingchu tried her best to calm herself down, took out the pill she had already prepared from her bag, and quietly fed it to Yuan Hongyi.

Shenggu Dan.

This thing can resurrect the dead and regenerate the bones...

Yuan Hongyi will definitely survive...Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 884 Jingchu, I'm sorry) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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