Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!

Chapter 886: How could you give him such a cruel hand!

She just wanted to portray herself as a poor mother and win some sympathy, which would also help her fight a lawsuit with Yuan Jingchu.

"Pity our orphans and widows, my husband is dead, and my son is still lying in the emergency room. The daughter of my husband's ex-wife is still asking us for trouble..."

Yuan Jingchu didn't want to care about her, but finally narrowed her eyes when she heard this, "husband?"

Her eyes were sharp, and Luo Ling couldn't help but feel shivering when meeting her eyes.

"A mistress raised outside is also eligible to call my father husband? When did my father let you in the door of our original house?"

Her taunting words changed Luo Ling's face. Looking at the people around, everyone looked at her with weird eyes.

It turned out to be a mistress, but she only gave birth to a son...

Lawyer Yin also said: "Ms. Luo, Mr. Yuan is still alive and not dead."

Luo Ling's face changed slightly, Yuan Hongyi is not dead yet? ! How is this going? Her volume is still less...

But her eyes rolled, even if Yuan Hongyi is still alive, the situation is definitely not much better, otherwise, how could Lawyer Yin appear here?

At the moment, she still has to make herself a weak person that everyone sympathizes with...

Luo Ling squatted down and cried, trying to grasp Yuan Jingchu's hand, but did not even touch her. Mulinche directly pulled Yuan Jingchu into his arms.

Luo Ling said: "Jing...Jingchu...I know that I disagree with your dad's matter, so I have not been able to enter the door of the original house. I am not the original wife, so I am not qualified to say you... But, your brother is innocent, he is your own brother... How can you give him such a cruel hand..."

She was crying outside the emergency room, and indeed received a lot of sympathetic glances from the onlookers to a certain extent.

It turns out that she can't enter the child's father's house because the girl has been opposed to...

It's no wonder people are still outside after they have a son...

This girl is really true. Even if she disagrees with her father marrying another woman, her son will be born, but she still disagrees. Is this to make her brother an illegitimate child? Moreover, his father was not dead, so he sent someone to kill his brother...

It's so vicious!

But some people who know Yuan Jingchu don't think so. What does Yuan Jingchu lack? Does she need to buy murder for that little property?

Yuan Jingchu's eyes became colder when she looked at Luo Ling. She didn't want to pay attention to Luo Ling. After all, Luo Xiaoyu and Yuan Yong were now like this, and she was unlucky enough. But now it seems that she has no intention of changing at all...

Don't blame her for being cruel!

Yuan Jingchu sneered at the corners of her mouth, "Are you saying I bought the murder of Yuan Yong for my father's inheritance? Why should I do that?"

She shook her head and looked at Lawyer Yin, "Whether Yuan Yong is or not, all my dad's property will be mine. My dad said to me himself, and the will is clearly and plainly written in the will, you and Yuan Yong ...I can't get a penny, why should I risk a crime to kill Yuan Yong?"

Her words shocked Luo Ling, she lowered her head and clenched her fists.

She didn't expect Yuan Jingchu to know...

Even more unexpectedly, Yuan Hongyi actually told her about this...

The two father and daughter have always had a bad relationship, and Yuan Yong has basically no contact after he was born? ! When are they...

The people around were also a little surprised, the eyes of these people were very strange. Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, spoil the sky! The latest chapter address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Full text reading address: Space: Mu Shao, Chong God! txt download address: Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the sky! Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can Click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 886 How can you give him such a cruel hand!) Read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! Like "Rebirth Space: Mu Shao, Spoil the Sky!" 》Please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you for your support! ! (

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