Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1104 all taken away

Yu Shanyuan pulled his wife's sleeve excitedly, for fear that she would not agree and miss such a good opportunity.

A house will be built in a few months, and Yongkun will be able to marry a daughter-in-law with dignity.

"My child, the autumn harvest has passed, and there are only some vegetables in the fields here, which are not valuable. Our family has never read any books. If we rely on ourselves to find jobs, it must be difficult to find them, and we don't know when we will be able to rebuild. In the house, Yongkun is also at the age to discuss relatives, but in winter, there are wolves coming down the mountain, and it is not safe to live in the yard."

Liang Xiaoying looked at all the children, including Murong Yi, who was still on Murong Xuan's back. She also knew that the Murong family wanted to repay their kindness, so she helped them. After thinking about it for a while, since she went away, it would not affect their family's life. I had no choice but to nod: "Then I'll trouble you."

Murong Zhe smiled and said, "No trouble."

Seeing that they had decided, Murong Lingran handed the token to Murong Zong and said, "Big brother, second brother, third brother, Jiahuai brother, Jia Nian sister, you all go to the military camp, they have burned everything, I We need to take them to the city to buy some things, and the carriage needs to be vacated, so let us take them back, and after we go back, we will have someone pick you up in the afternoon."

Murong Zong hesitated: "Can you do it?"

Murong said: "It's okay, I can be a driver too."

Murong Zong objected: "No, there are guests at home. As the masters, how can we leave the guests behind and not go home?"

Murong Xuan suggested: "Why don't you just let me stay. Big brother, the people of Lord Hou must have been waiting on the school ground by now. Since we agreed yesterday, it's not good to break our promise and let so many worthy people wait for a while. field."

"But you can't practice like this."

Murong Xuan put his hands on his hips and laughed and said, "Brother, you are so old. If you don't seize the opportunity to practice, you will be old. If there is another martial arts test in the future, you will have sufficient confidence. I am still young, and I believe that in the future. There is a chance. There is also the third brother, the kung fu is not as good as you and me. After training, you can better protect your family in the future. "

Murong Zong said with a speechless expression: "Stinky boy, you actually think I'm old."

He didn't know that he said this on purpose, in order to let him stay in the military camp with peace of mind.

Murong Xuan raised his head and said, "You are older than me."

Murong Zhe said: "Azong, Axuan is right. Since the Marquis of Ning'an has the heart to train you, you should cherish it. It's not good to delay one after another. The guests still have us, so you can go."

Murong Lingran said: "Actually, it's still early, the second brother can also come back after going back. Anyway, he is also coming to pick up the brothers to go home, the third brother will poke the eldest brother in the morning, and the second brother will poke in the afternoon. Yet?"

Murong Zong was instantly overjoyed: "Yes, second brother, hurry up and come back, we are waiting for you in the barracks."

Seeing that they all said so, Murong Xuan didn't agree, nodding: "Yes."

After they helped Liang Xiaoying pack up all the chickens and hang them outside the carriage, the group got into the carriage. Murong Zong and the other four got off the carriage ahead of time at the side gate of the barracks, while the rest went to the city.

Originally, Liang Xiaoying wanted to clean up the vegetables in the field, but she had to give up because she was embarrassed to keep them waiting for a long time.

When the villagers of Yujia Village saw that the Yushanyuan family was really taken away, their eyes popped out in surprise.

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