Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1114 Preparation

Over time, conflicts will inevitably arise.

She also has a lot of money in her hand. Recently, she has also thought about buying a maid to come back, so that the family can live there and make the family less tired.

But some time ago, I went to the Yaxing to go around, and there was nothing good. They were all people who made mistakes in the original owner and were sold. She would definitely not dare to buy that kind of person.

As for the cook, she has also tried some people in Yaxing, and the dishes made by Chen's and Liu's are not comparable to those made by Chen's and Liu's. To buy those people back, she might as well concentrate on cultivating Tong Wenwen.

She also put the matter on hold for the time being and will talk about it later.

Anyway, since the family has a lot of spare money, their family has a large population, and there are many things in the field. Everyone in their family has something to do, and they don't have so much time to take care of the family.

She then found a few honest and reliable women who came to the house to do laundry or other household chores among the women working in the field, but it was calculated on a case-by-case basis, and she gave money once for each visit, so that she would not be tired. Family members, and no outsiders will live in the house.

And it didn't take much time to do the laundry, and Murong Lingran paid a high price every time. Thirty wen each time was worth their income in the field for a day.

Women are also very happy to have an extra income. Every time two or three or three or four women wash at the same time, it is enough to use only half of their rest time.

When the East and West courtyards were built, they were not only equipped with kitchens, but also toilets and washrooms.

Except for Kong Hongzhuo, all the people in the western courtyard sold their bodies, and all the food was provided by the Murong family.

In the past, the kitchen in the east courtyard was basically never used. Tong Qishen's grandparents and grandsons all ate the same food as Murong's family, but they separated the food and didn't eat it on the same table.

Therefore, the kitchen in the east courtyard has nothing to eat except for the necessary things such as pots and pans.

When the Yu family came, the Tong family must still eat with the Murong family.

As for the kitchen in the east courtyard, all the fish family members use.

Murong Lingran took the key and entered the East Courtyard.

The Yu family also locked the door of their room as she said.

Seeing them locked two rooms, Murong Lingran didn't find it strange.

Quickly came to the kitchen, although the Tong family was useless, but they liked to clean, and they cleaned it often, and there was no dust inside.

She has a lot of rice in her space. When she used to go to the city, as long as she had time, she would go to a special place for shelling. She would send a few bags in the morning, pick them up at night, and put them into the space quietly. ready-made rice.

Anyway, she spent a little money to ask someone to take the shell out, and she didn't feel bad. The rice tank had been prepared a long time ago, and she gave them 20 pounds directly.

She also took out other seasonings and oils directly from the space, which she had bought before.

There are vegetables in the field, just go directly to the field to pick them.

There are other things, Murong Lingran plans to wait for the Yu family to return in the evening, and then talk to them in detail.

As for whether this would spoil people, Murong Lingran also thought about it, compared to the fourth brother's life, this was nothing, and it didn't cost a lot of money.

Helping people to the end, fortunately, there are many things in these two days.

But if they are really discontented people, she also has a way to deal with them.

What they are doing now is just what they should do to their savior, and when others ask about it in the future, they will have a clear conscience.

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